Victor Morson, on 18 February 2014 - 09:06 PM, said:
I stand by that.
The Ember is the "worst." That said, I think it's still a decent light and
by far the best 'mech to use machine guns, without question. You're not sacrificing huge amounts to run the Ember. It's just a bit gimmicky and when push comes to shove, is edged out by it's Firestarter brethren.
The big problem with it is it'll encourage pilots to stay on target instead of dodge to get that DPS, and that will cost them dearly, more than anything.
But the 9S really is awesome.
This is my theory craft build I'm going to give a shot when it drops for CB:
Firestarter FS9-S - 2x ML 1x MPL 4x SL - XL 295 (Twin AMS)
The theory is that the small lasers, being arm mounted, will be less of a detrimental loss to the Firestarter if it loses it's arms, maintaining a pretty solid core ML/MPL (esp. after the MPL buff) - it can also fire the smalls near endlessly if it's running toasty.
Now this is hardly the bible on it and again it's a theorycraft weapons loadout. All MPL, different ratios of ML/SL, etc. are almost positively going to come up and some winners will be found - likely more than one.
Still a 28 damage alpha that can be sustained for multiple shots on this thing should be nice. I'm looking forward to trying it.
EDIT: I should note that build is one of the tightest I've ever built; I'd honestly originally preferred 3 ML with no MPL, but you'd be running a ton shy then; with the MPL upgrades, I think it's for the best, though. I like to think of it as running the firepower of a Death's Knell + a Spider on the same 'mech.

Hmm, interesting. If MPL buff is really that much better, I may want to try that out. LPL has been buffed a ton, but the one thing is the ghost heat limiting it (the connecting ghost heat between all large lasers of the 3 kinds). Besides the Artemis on it (guessing it's a mistake), it sounds pretty solid along with the 2 AMS bonus.
Also wanting to ask on the Shadow Hawk and the upcoming Clan mechs since I saw their new updated 'monthly rewards' and the stats of the Clan mechs. I've already gotten elites on my Shadow Hawks due to the x2 bonus weekend, and my builds are:
SHD-2D2: 2xmed lasers, 3xsrm 6s, 1xsrm 4. This is my SRM boat, grouped two srm 6s and the center srm 6 with srm 4. No Artemis due to head srm. I'm questioning whether I should go Artemis or not, dunno if it's worth the sacrifice of the srm 4 (which would make equal tonnage.) I don't do bad at all.
SHD-2H: 3xmgs, 3xssrms, 1xlarge pulse laser. I think this is a very very solid light hunter, but that's really it. I thought of going triple AC2, but it's heat is ludicrous. I do high amounts of damage, but dunno if I should switch a bit on it.
SHD-5M: 2xer large lasers, 1xultra ac5. Another already told me to do something like a gauss er ppc build or a dual ac5 er ppc build, but I don't know whether to go poptarting or not in such. I do not bad in this loadout, but been told this is somewhat unorthodox.
I just need help with building on the Shadow Hawks, not sure exactly what to do.
So on to the Clan mech topic. I don't know about the competitive scene, but I think that a lot of the variants will die quickly, especially with some variants with very few hardpoints, or if more, very limited or energy based hardpoints, which means ghost heat. Most of the core mechs themselves sound like they are not gonna be solid.
Kit Fox Prime: 2E 1M 1B
Adder Prime: 3E
Nova Prime: 12E
Stormcrow Prime: 5E
Summoner Prime: 1E 1M 1B
Timber Wolf Prime: 5 or 6E? 1 or 2B? 2M (typo or something in the page)
Warhawk Prime: 4E 1M
Dire Wolf Prime: 8E 2B 1M
So, not sure how they will fare.