MavRCK, on 23 January 2014 - 03:41 PM, said:
You're trolling because you're refusing to acknowledge that the list does what you say -- it's just not your cup of tea.. so instead of agreeing to disagree and SHUT UP -- you post over and over and over again.
So yes, you're a troll and a great example of the malady of these forums.

Wow, thank you very much for having one of the largest cases of narcissism this side of Napoleon.
You post a list, I raise critique for it, you ignore it and say no, it does what I am asking for,
even though I'm telling you it doesn't.
Do you see what's going on here? It's literally /that/ simple.
All I was trying to do was help you improve the list by showing you where it was lacking, and instead you just call me a troll.
Shar Wolf, on 23 January 2014 - 03:43 PM, said:
Just because you disagree with it doesn't mean it is wrong either

On the other hand, whether you meant to troll or not, the way you phrased it was rather trollish.

I'm not disagreeing with the list, I'm saying it's incomplete and flawed. There's a difference there. I'm disagreeing with him saying that it isn't incomplete.
Also, thank you for the mediation Shar, I did not intend to sound trollish. I am being serious about this.