There's nothing more shale than an easy victory; If they manage to get good numbers and encourage honor-rules, I might look into it; I certainly like some of their tech (the exclusive one, not just the plain better versions of stock equipment), but it's no need.
However, it's unlikely, I absolutely don't buy their philosophy; Anyone sticking to an arbitrary and woefully unreasoned and inadequate "honor"-system is highly suspicious in my view;
Just look at people killing close relatives because they 'disgraced the family honor'; Compare it to those that to those that do it for money and power, say, paid by the mafia.
See who is better off afterwards.
While i can see the point in not killing a helpless enemy, who knows, the favor might be returned to me one day, what is honorable about one on one duels if you command double the firepower and the use of cover and tactics is forbidden?
PS: But in a decade, I might join the Blakists^^ ... just kiddin.
Edited by UnLimiTeD, 22 June 2012 - 05:34 AM.