The Clan package seems like relatively... normal... behaviour for PGI.
What I mean is that it's not particularly far out of the usual mode of operations they've been using to convert a "free"-to-pay (sic) game into a source of revenue. Skim a first-year economics textbook and you'll start to see how the decisions being made about pricing and timing of sales and product releases are all designed to get the most money out of players. Actually, at this point every time I see a "good" sale (eg. discount on MC) it makes me think that whatever is discounted is about to become a lot less valuable in the near future (personally, seeing this is hardening me against any future spending on this title).
A google search for MWO Clans also comes up with a couple of articles that have varying opinions.
One of the views I came across made a lot of sense: the continual and increasingly frequent attempts to sell more future products while past promises remain unkept and major complaints remain unaddressed might be a sign that there are very serious financial problems at PGI right now.
Here's the reddit post:
And the guy's youtube video:
[Edit: Just to be clear, I am not the irate fan who made the video. I just have too much time on my hands this morning, so I'm noodling on the situation a little as a time waster.]
It kind of makes sense: there are some pretty important things missing from MWO. Things that the whole game was supposed to be "about". The kind of things that you would probably start working on right away, if you were making such a product. Why would you choose not to make the features of the product that you promised your customers? Financial pressure would do it.
[As a side note, exploiting the inelastic demand of the customers this much is going to cut off funding from the same customers down the road, and the market for this product is not infinite: it's not as simple a game with as much mass appeal as some of the brainless shooters marketed to the neverending stream of gullible youngsters. No game lasts forever, so perhaps the amount of money gained from burning people this way will be enough to last the lifetime of the game. We'll see. It sure would be nice to see a game company plan for something a little more longterm than just smash-and-grab profits from a temporary monopoly. You know, like, making a quality product and pricing it honestly/fairly?]
Edited by Praslek2, 16 December 2013 - 07:23 AM.