For all those who want to start with Dire Wolf, and for nabs like me (we can't all be superpilots], who cant use gauss to full efect, or cant use xx weapons group, I have my most money/kill/joy making Daishi.
DWF-B "Ravager"
Pros:- No need to change omnipods (got bonus, tho B version doesnt have much)
- Relatively cheap
- Easy to get used to
- Only 2 weapon types
- Overheat danger only when too much trigger-madness - easily to content by shooting only one side till DW cool itself
- 2x cmplas can take out lights leg in 2 direct hits (so you dont waste your ammo) - also good, if you live too long and run out of ammo (happened to me twice with this setup - games posted below)
- 5x c-uac5 is chainsaw and can destroy almost anything
Cons:- c-uac5 is to full use to 674 meters (with module) - means every ERLL boat, ppc guys and multi-gauss guys will tear you to shredds, if you meet them in the open (simply dont go in the center of Alpine Peaks)
- Can't think of any more

Now, its clear that when you buy your first Daishi, you are probably out of cash. But its good to exp and buy both modules for c-uac 5 - cooldown and range. Helps much more than I thought.
Also quick guide how to use this baby:
- You are not immortal - in fact you are big, fat target (primary target, truth be told) without ams or ecm protection. Also slow one. Move in the reach of rocks/ houses/ tunnels - lrm rain can turn you to dust in no time.
- Your weaponry is powerfull, but even one good light pilot can and WILL destroy ya. Ask for some "sidekick" - med/ heavy are best option - ecm more than welcome
- Do not attack multiple mechs at once - you can take ANY single mech face2face (except double LBX20/ c-uac20 and quadro 10 version of these - and thats only if they can aim through your iron rain) - but even two meds can shoot your torso very fast - and with half of your weaponry gone, youre only slow med guy.
- After you get speed tweak, do try to outmaneuver enemy and come from unexpected direction - 1-4 seconds of your fire in the back of ANY mech kill it.
- Learn to aim on walking/ running mechs to hit them - your fire isnt instant, bullets take time to reach the target.
- Make 4 weapon groups. Both c-uac5 sides, lasers and hand/s.
Also missing c-uac5 (from usual 6xcuac5 with 810 ammo builds) gives more freedom in setup. Im using 2x clan medium pulse laser, coz I like them more and this build suits me. Yet you can easily mod this in many ways - instead my 2xcmpls you can use 3x cerml + heatsink; add more ammo, add 1 c-erll for range or use some equipment like probe/ targ. comp (when they start working), tag for teamplay....etc. Its up to you, but I strongly recommend using my build or 3x cerml + heatsink.
Hope this helps. And btw I am bad pilot, my stats are so red, that even Ferrari looks blue compared to it, but here you got some examples of my wins (the first one i absolute record) and one loss to show what can "Ravager" do, with one supporting mech and useless team.
Examples of its abilities:

And mentioned todays loss...

I had also lots of games, where I did like 30 dmg and die. It happens - you can make a bad move, you can run into whole enemy team....even Dire Wolf can die in 2 seconds.
You've got DPS that would make Kerensky proudly weep!
Edited by Carthoo, 14 October 2014 - 05:29 AM.