Cimarb, on 27 December 2013 - 02:21 PM, said:
Also, according to what I just read, autocannons are not based upon the size of the shell, but the amount of damage over any given time period. That should mean that an AC2 does 2 damage in the time that an AC20 does 20 damage, with 5/10 falling in respectively, and an AC2 should never out dps any of the others. PGI is definitely doing autocannons wrong, that's for sure!
"Wrong" is a little harsh. Would you pay 6 tons for a weapon doing 2 damage in the same time a 5 ton large laser can do 9? I certainly wouldn't. Changes had to be made from TT and anyone saying any different is just too much of a purist when reality dictates that change is needed.
Translations needed to be made on fronts like that.
The truth is that turn-based gameplay provided certain controlling factors that aren't present in an FPS style game. You wouldn't get a twin AC20 jager in the TT because there's no pinpoint damage. It all spreads everywhere. Secondly, there's little point in carrying 5 tons of AC-20 ammo. That's over 10 rounds of firing both ACs in a turn-limited game. Lastly, critical hits hurt things like Actuators and joints. Weapons were treated independantly and one AC20 with no damaged joints or actuators required a different "to hit" roll than one with damaged actuators and joints. Torso mounted weapons were highly desirable not because they were better protected but because they didn't suffer from damaged joints and actuators.
It was simply possible to have a mech with no "missing limbs" and still be 3 tenths of useless anyway. Engine hits generated extra hits, gyro hits required piloting skill rolls. A target standing in woods required a higher "to hit" roll. There came a point where you sort of had to stay still to actually hit anything with more than one of your weapons.
MWO is a brain-dead shooter in comparison. Not because it's a bad product but because translations had to be made to turn a TT game into a viable shooter.
All this "but in the TT" stuff is, essentially, empty rhetoric. It needs to be enough like BT/MW to be recognizable but after that? a fun and functional game should matter more.
Which is not to say ACs are "fine", they aren't, but it needs to be understood that sometimes straight comparisons are quite irrelevant.
Noth, on 27 December 2013 - 03:42 PM, said:
It's closer than it has ever been before. The only place you only see pinpoint damage only is in competitive play (and tryhards). Outside of that the variety is better than in any other MW game.
We're closer than ever before to a cure for cancer too. Does that mean it's good enough and we should just stop?
And if you're trying to say there's no AC40 jagers in general play... Well, we'll all comment on that after we can pick ourselves up off the floor from laughing so hard.
Edited by Greyboots, 27 December 2013 - 04:09 PM.