Varent, on 03 January 2014 - 07:23 AM, said:
I would love to answer this.
lets say they have the same damage dealing mechanic per say, so spreading the damage like a laser does.
Ok assault mechs become instantly nerfed quite hard. Light mechs since basically all of them rely on lasers would instantly get a huge buff.
Light(er) mechs are at a disadvantage currently because they are unable to mount ACs. Having ACs do burst fire won't change that.
Varent, on 03 January 2014 - 07:23 AM, said:
In addition any mech that is hard to hit and deal specific damage too, for example mediums and heavies that can torso twist also gain a buff just based off the fact that its harder to hit anything of note or focus your damage whatsoever. also lights become relatively impossible to kill with the exception of streaks.
So you are saying this would make mediums and heavies better? Awesome! Lights would be just as susceptible to ACs as they are to beam damage right now, but would be worried about damage adding up instead of luck-or-death dodging like they are currently. Also awesome.
Varent, on 03 January 2014 - 07:23 AM, said:
Jump sniping dies a very miserable slow death since it would take out every facet of it. I know some may like this but you do realize you basically are taking a large player base and giving them a big **** you right? Kinda not cool especially since this game needs multiple types of play styles to feel real at all.
So the most complained about meta in the game would be removed and jump jets would go back to simply being a mobility tool again? Darnit.... /sarcasm
Varent, on 03 January 2014 - 07:23 AM, said:
In addition you make lasers the new op since they weigh vastly vastly less overall and while you may argue that they use more heat sinks, on medium and light mechs that use primarly mediums, they really dont run that hot and you can still be very combat effective, as Ive shown.
The heat system needs addressed as well, I agree. If all weapons are spreading damage relatively equally, you can then remove ghost heat, fix the heat system, and start balancing energy vs ballistics the way they should be: heat vs ammo/weight.
Varent, on 03 January 2014 - 07:23 AM, said:
Lastly when community warefare comes along ammo is not an issue at all since, why worry about ammo, just bring lasers on all your mechs anyways and say **** it. You could also make primarly supression builds with er large lasers at range, hell maybe even a team of 12 large laser boats that only focuses on surpressions peoples abilities to turn corners. By removing ammo as a factor you can just spam lasers all day with impunity and actually make a supression factor to this game that will have you just hiding behind a corner and waiting or dieing the moment you turn to focused fire.
You are assuming people wouldn't use ACs anymore, which is incorrect. People use LRMs currently, and they are by far the least "meta" system. People also use SRMs, flamers and MGs still. I don't think any change to ACs will make everyone completely stop using them, so stop with the sky is falling stuff, lol.
Varent, on 03 January 2014 - 07:23 AM, said:
Ok now, what benefits will it have? You will be alive longer, purely for the sake of the mech having the damage spread all over the place. Thats... it really.... Im failing to see any other benefits? And keep in mind it also works two ways. You also wont kill anyone that effectively or quickly either.
Wich also means even if you pull off a good flank.. it will be for nill since the team will be able to react much faster. You are taking a game that relies on positioning and timing and working as a group.... and would turn it into a brawling fest.
I don't brawl with my LLs, so I'm not sure how making ACs function like them will make it a brawl fest. The best brawlers right now are the front-loaded damage mechs, just like they are the best snipers currently for the same reason.