Lily from animove, on 18 March 2015 - 02:05 AM, said:
My ship will be burnt to a crisp before even getting close

Basskicker, on 18 March 2015 - 04:37 AM, said:
Asking because I've got a bit of a nest egg built up from bounty hunting and I am thinking of kitting out an Asp for a couple week exploration run. I know some guys are making big bucks, but I would hate to go on a 2 week run and not make at least 10mil.
Honestly I have no idea. FD just raised exploration reward, but by how much I don't know. It also depends on how much detailed scan you do. I have the Advanced Discovery Scanner which reveals everything in the system to me (which makes it a must-have equipment), and I've developed the habit of at least scanning the star in detail every jump. If there're any high metal-content planet or earth-like worlds on the map after my ADS pinged, and they're relatively close like 1000LS away, I'll fly around a bit and give them a scan too because scanning them rewards extra money.
I was told do not go into exploring expecting to "make dem mad cash". Think of it as something to spend a few minutes on everyday, chilling with a drink and some music/podcast while taking pretty space pictures.

Edited by Helmstif, 18 March 2015 - 07:37 AM.