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Teamates That Give Away Friendly Positions

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#21 dario03


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Posted 02 January 2014 - 08:47 PM

During battle do you talk to your teammates like you talked to the forum in the OP here? I ask because I almost never see someone giving away the position of a teammate unless he is just hiding but really its mostly just afk that I see get called out. So I'm thinking this extreme I'm better than everyone attitude might be causing your team to rat you out.

#22 Nick Makiaveli


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Posted 02 January 2014 - 09:28 PM

@OP Seriously?

You play skirmish yet still whine about capping? WTF??

You prattle on about tactics, yet call people who win via capping "useless". Again, WTF???

Glad to hear you have a group to run with, means there's very little chance you will apply to the DHB. Have yet to make a negative comment about any applicant, but I can see me quoting your OP as a good example of why I don't think you have what it takes to be one of us....

#23 mongrel


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Posted 02 January 2014 - 09:30 PM

I will narc off an AFK or powered down guy who is hiding sometimes. Now personally I have used my mech powered down in base defence
. Wait for the little buggers to start capping power up & drop arty on them, have several kills playing this little trick.

#24 Rick Rawlings


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Posted 02 January 2014 - 10:51 PM

View Post1veyron1, on 02 January 2014 - 04:03 PM, said:

i have seen this time after time and pretty sick and tired of the cheap whiners still in diapers crying becouse the last man is wageing gorilla warfare..my raven was last man ,many times,,i had 5 assults class on the other team at tourmaline..becouse some got impatient was giving my position away..regardless my classic gorilla warefare got me 1200 and some change damage and 6 kills becouse i killed those assults any way...my argument is,if your not prepared for the full 15 min in skirmish,,go back being the useless cap warrior u were,,avoiding the problems and not being where you were needed in assult or conquest,,you have no business in skirmish,,

we play nothing but skirmish any more becouse it was our chance to get rid of the cap warriors and the diaper league clans,go play another mech,untill the game is over,,but i dont want to here your pathetic whines and giving friendly positions away becouse you want the game over,,,my raven has proved time and time again the war wasent over,,and won the game singel handed many times,,even if it did come down the the last 30 seconds..you lost your war,,the war is mine now,,and we who are the last man standing will and have the right to play it any way we want.

its not a secret i have no respect for most of you,,you havent the intelligence to play the complex game of manouver that i do,,most of you havent a clue what im really doing out there for the team..your only tactic is get the big ship and guns and think you know something,,well you dont,,group up,,group up,,is all i here when there is so many tactical posibilities in all these great maps,this is a game of angles, you are so 2 dimentional that you play the same game,,every time..

also it really kills me they all go to the same open ground as they did when we had assult only,,,they have no clue about terrain and able to read a terrain map,,you bore me to death.all you do is get close with ur ac20s and gut people,,and think your so good,,well those 5 assults thought they were bad against my raven,,and with enough room to manouver,,they were children to me,,wasent even a contest,and you all will get an education if they ever have arena,,and when i build the 7th recon,,we will role your simpleton tactless 12 mans like a hot knive thru butter,,thats comming,,one more thing,,i commanded a company of all new players and defeated the veteran clans and premade on the other team,,they did what i asked them to do,and executed the battel plans as i instructed,,,i pretty much have a 90 percent win rate when im in company command,,however i 1st have to assess the level of the brainless before i issue useless orders,,if that level is to high,,i just go and play.

play a clean game,,dont be manipulating mm and play both sides of the game and we wont have a problem,,otherwise,,you will have a problem with me forever,,and the destruction of your clan will come...new players dont like to be taken advantage of,,and without recruits,,ur clan will die,,i catch you doing these things that is bad for the game,,it;s on,,is this any way not clear,,,veyron

Thank you for posting on the Mechwarrior forums. This message is to inform you that you have used up your quota of commas for the week. Please limit all further posts to simple sentences in the Queen's English and commas will be made available to you again on January the 6th, 2014. Thank you, carry on...

Edited by Rick Rawlings, 02 January 2014 - 10:51 PM.

#25 627


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Posted 03 January 2014 - 12:32 AM


killing 6 Assaults with "guerilla tactics" in a raven sounds like one of those metacheese 2xERLL 3L raven with ECM, taking pot shots from faaaaaar away and running around the whole map to get on the other side of those fatties.

So... this is ok for me if you like to play this way.

What is not ok is you attitude towards your teammates.
You demand tolerance for your playstyle from those 11 people. tolerance that you run off alone and do your thing. Fine. But don't forget the other way. When those 11 guys don't want to play hide and seek but deathmatch you have to tolerate that, too.
You're not alone in a singleplayer game here. Accept that.

And for calling out, I don't see that, if you're still fighting. What I see are some cowards who are afraid of virtual robots in a computer game, hiding in the last corner of a map, shutting down and wetting their cockpits.

If I see those, I usually talk to them to man up and stand their last fight for our entertainment.
The only guys who get called out are AFKs and teamkillers.

Edited by 627, 03 January 2014 - 12:33 AM.

#26 Myomes


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Posted 03 January 2014 - 12:56 AM


i have seen this time after time and pretty sick and tired of the cheap whiners still in diapers crying becouse the last man is wageing gorilla warfare

You damn dirty apes!! The ad hominem combined with the hilarious imagery of the end of the sentence... These things make this thread a pure gold comedy.Read the whole thing. Yep. Comedy gold.

Edited by Myomes, 03 January 2014 - 01:02 AM.

#27 Funkadelic Mayhem


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Posted 03 January 2014 - 01:24 AM


If you dont want to wait around after you died,. no one is forcing you.

If someone tells the enemy your position report them: The devs cant ban people they dont get reports on.
"Team Treason
Treasonous provision of information to enemy combatants, also known as "bird-doging" is forbidden. This involves a player using the in-game chat to provide the enemy team with the locations of their own team mates. While we appreciate that some players may wish to have a round end early by calling out the location of an AFK team-mate, the risk that this could be used against an active participant of the match to deny them the use of cover and movement makes this a form of a griefing. You may declare a teammate AFK but not their coordinates or position."

Edited by Funkadelic Mayhem, 03 January 2014 - 01:25 AM.

#28 Myomes


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Posted 03 January 2014 - 01:37 AM

you bring up a good point. People complaining about having to wait can either quit or accept that the game has a 15 minute timer. If you're going to stay and complain, maybe you're playing the wrong game.

#29 Egomane


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Posted 03 January 2014 - 01:45 AM

Giving away the positions of teammates that participated in the match is a nogo! As it has been stated before, report those players to support.

The type of language used in the OP is also a nogo! Some of you realized it, but didn't come to the conclousion to use the report function.

Moving the thread from Gameplay Balance to K-town now.

#30 Myomes


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Posted 03 January 2014 - 03:03 AM

maybe its because We dont care to report the language since we're not children. In fact, I consider it my duty not to report it when I see it.

Edited by Myomes, 03 January 2014 - 03:05 AM.

#31 Heffay

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Posted 03 January 2014 - 03:15 AM

View PostMyomes, on 03 January 2014 - 03:03 AM, said:

maybe its because We dont care to report the language since we're not children. In fact, I consider it my duty not to report it when I see it.

I always report bad language. Not because I'm offended, but because I like pvping their accounts.

Best metagame out there!

#32 Egomane


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Posted 03 January 2014 - 03:22 AM

View PostMyomes, on 03 January 2014 - 03:03 AM, said:

maybe its because We dont care to report the language since we're not children. In fact, I consider it my duty not to report it when I see it.

Well, you might not be a child anymore, but there are children here, playing the game and reading the forums. That's why we have the rule about bad language in the first place.

It's not about your comfort, but it's for everyone.

#33 Myomes


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Posted 03 January 2014 - 07:14 AM

being offended and weak minded to be "harmed" by words is the new past time of everyone and their mother. People need to change their relationship with words, e.g. get over it. Reminds me of the jokes about how women would faint if a man uttered foul words in her presence in the 1700-1800's. Allowing such nonsense to have power like that over you is for fools. Even children.

Edited by Myomes, 03 January 2014 - 07:16 AM.

#34 Egomane


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Posted 03 January 2014 - 08:18 AM

That's your believe, but you signed up to MWO and accepted the rules that come with it. Among others, there is the rule about langauge and everyone has to follow that rule, while he is here, if he likes it or not. And we hope the users not only follow those rule but honor them as well. And that means they report violations of the rules.

You see someone breaking into a store and steal some valuables.
Do you
a.) walk away and do nothing?
b.) watch and observe and later act as a witness in a report to the law enforcers (mostly known as police)?
c.) try to stop the criminal by yourself?

There are two wrong answers in there. Which is the correct one.

Now a situation on the forums (or in the game). You observe someone making a post about him teamkilling (or see him perfom teamkills ingame).
Do you
a.) walk away and do nothing?
b.) watch and observe and report to the Moderators or Gamemasters?
c.) try to stop the other player yourself?

Again, only one correct answer.

In both questions one answer is the ignorants way and you can argue that he is as guilty as the criminal if he choses that one.
The other is most likely hubris.

The forums and the game are private territory with rules you have to accept, if you want to continue using it. Just because you don't like a rule you, are not free to ignore it and walk away.

You might be ok with bad language. But you are not the one who is setting the standards here. You are not free to call others "weak minded", because they have different values then you do. That's simply ignorant!

#35 Heffay

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Posted 03 January 2014 - 08:20 AM

View PostMyomes, on 03 January 2014 - 07:14 AM, said:

being offended and weak minded to be "harmed" by words is the new past time of everyone and their mother. People need to change their relationship with words, e.g. get over it. Reminds me of the jokes about how women would faint if a man uttered foul words in her presence in the 1700-1800's. Allowing such nonsense to have power like that over you is for fools. Even children.

You should submit a request to support@mwomercs.com and ask them to change their policy on profanity. I'm sure that despite every other game out there having the exact same policy, they'll be agreeable to your well articulated position on why it's a good thing to not have that rule in place.

#36 Bagheera


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Posted 03 January 2014 - 11:35 AM

View PostEgomane, on 03 January 2014 - 03:22 AM, said:

Well, you might not be a child anymore, but there are children here, playing the game and reading the forums. That's why we have the rule about bad language in the first place.

It's not about your comfort, but it's for everyone.

Let's be honest here. The OP's complete and utter butchering of the written word is far more damaging to any children who might read it than his occasional use of profanity.*


* - or whatever it was, I'm guessing the blanket insults or something.

Edited by Bagheera, 03 January 2014 - 11:40 AM.

#37 Egomane


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Posted 03 January 2014 - 12:02 PM

You might have a point there Bagheera, but bad grammar is something that can be corrected with good education. I don't really care about that at all, as long as I can at least understand what was meant. I'm only angry at my own errors (of which I make way to many).

It's much, much harder to keep a child from using profanity once it has learned it. For the child it's like a step into the adult world. They feel big, if they use the forbidden language. Once there, it becomes hard for parents to teach their children how bad this language is. The child will not know about that if it is to young and it will not care once it is older. :D

#38 Rick Rawlings


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Posted 03 January 2014 - 04:58 PM

View PostEgomane, on 03 January 2014 - 12:02 PM, said:

I'm only angry at my own errors (of which I make way to many).

too...... :D

#39 Bagheera


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Posted 03 January 2014 - 06:19 PM

View PostEgomane, on 03 January 2014 - 12:02 PM, said:

You might have a point there Bagheera, but bad grammar is something that can be corrected with good education. I don't really care about that at all, as long as I can at least understand what was meant. I'm only angry at my own errors (of which I make way to many).

While I was mostly kidding, there have been several posts lately that are borderline unintelligible, and not for language barrier reasons which I forgive for obvious reasons. :D Point about word choice taken, and aside, it's pretty sad what passes for written communication sometimes. :D

Edited by Bagheera, 03 January 2014 - 06:20 PM.

#40 Sandpit


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Posted 10 January 2014 - 11:39 AM

This thread should go **** itself while ****ing a ****ing *** to **** and back

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