RG Notch, on 08 January 2014 - 06:06 PM, said:
Saying MWO is the best work they've done is damning them with faint praise. Have you seen the shovelware garbage they made previously? I get it. You cheer leader's don't have much to work with. Just because they've advanced from making $20 games for Wal Mart isn't evidence they are actually capable of making anything worthwhile. I will grant you this appears to be their best work, but again if this is their best work does that inspire you?
First off, no need for name calling. Second, you asked a question, I answered it. Don't turn that around and twist it into some ******** that it isn't.
Did they **** up? Yes. They came up with this wonderful idea, spent all their time getting the combat set up, then said Ok we got 6 months to knock out this CW......that's when reality bitchslapped them. It sounded really good on paper, then they realized they had to actually sort out the details and code it etc.
That said, it's gotten better. Is it my idea of perfect? Nope. But I don't own the company so my opinion counts for little.
Craig Steele, on 08 January 2014 - 07:14 PM, said:
The big picture is not limited to MWO.
We have a vocal minority (and yes kudo's for him for taking the time to express) saying the his experience is poor and before he has spent any money, he has gone.
Maybe he comes back, maybe he doesn't.
If his experience is the trend, the game will fail sooner rather than later, thats the model
I am saying that he is a vocal minority (how many posts on this forum are saying the game is great and I want to spend more money on it btw?) and those of us who have not reached the tipping point of leaving are not helping with "toughen up princess" comments.
I am highlighting that it doesn't help the core issue, it escalates it.
I see what you are saying, but they also said the tutorial increased new player retention by at least one order of magnitude, possibly more. Which means they are getting new players, and at least some of them are staying.
People are also buying stuff. So it's entirely possible they have a functioning game on their hands.
Are you familiar with the term "diminishing returns"? It may very well be that they feel they would get better results with the Clan mechs and CW than they would with a better new player system.
CW will bring back tons of former players. So will Clan mechs. Some of them will stay. That money will fund improvements to the new player experience.
As to the toughen up princess comments, I am against the overly harsh ones that don't attempt to help people. Except in cases where the poster is obviously a whiny, little brat who's mad he can't use Mommy's CC to buy an OP mech. Or he's mad because he works for a fast food restaurant and can't afford Premium time and thus has to actually work for his C-bills.
I hang out here not because I learn a lot though I do learn from folks like Redshift and Koniving (happy now? I gave you top billing this time

). It's mostly because I like to help people, even if I am not a guru, and because we need new players or else this game will fold and I don't want that. Not until after I figure out who has to die over at Harmony Gold so I can get my ******* Warhammer!!!