TL;DR here it is: Rak's Armory
Hi everyone, as a holiday project, I finally started a blog about MWO. I have been writing guides, posting artwork, writing lengthy discussion posts, streaming on Twitch and putting up Youtube videos here in reddit and MWO forums for the good part of the last year. Though, what good they were when they are so quickly forgotten in the chaos of forums, and lost to the unsearchable graveyards of reddit? I wanted to centralize the content I produce and the feedback I get. This was the thought in my head, but I just couldn't find the time and motivation. . . until now.
So who am I? I'm very passinate about things I like, and I love sharing my experiences to excite other people about my passion. I was a freelance writer("the simulation guy") for a gaming magazine in my country for a while, but college eventually put an end to that. I usually play games that walk the tiny line between simulation and mainstream, offering tactical depth(Red Orchestra) and deep customization(EVE, MWO). I have been playing MWO for exactly a year now and as my blog description states "I'm in love with the depth of gameplay and customization MWO offers". I'm a lonewolf and mostly a brawler, a person who loves taking unpopular mechs out just for the challenge of making them work.
Why? I think there's a lack of written MWO content. The Mittani had good articles for a while and I was frequenting them, but they quickly got disappointed with PGI and lost in interest in MWO. QQMercs and Homeless Bill put out great articles once in a while, but they are mostly aimed at giving developers feedback or suggestions. This leaves only reddit(it's hard to comb through forums to find good content) for my source of "daily MWO intake" but the content here is also unpredictable. I really like reading about the experiences of others, how they play the mech, what they think of its quirks and thoughts about how to overcome the shortcomings. MWO gameplay in my opinion, is deep enough to make this kind of content interesting.
What now? I had a lot of content from last year, but I didn't want to just rehash them. I wanted more quality rather than quantity. I started putting up content in my blog last week, and only now it's up to a standard that I'm comfortable sharing with you. Right now, you will find a selection of articles that offer a taste of what to come. Mech reviews, thoughts about mechanics, builds and videos, artwork . . . everything that I feel like sharing that day. I'm not expecting this to get big, I just want to share my experiences to those willing to hear.
I'd really appreciate if you check out my blog and leave a comment now and then. Any feedback is welcome about how I can improve and make things more interesting for you. Thanks!
Here are some appetizers:
- Brawler of the week - "The dependable K"
- The Protector, finally ready!
- A note on Orion hitboxes
- The way of the Dragon - is it time for a Flame?
- Thunderbolts, a brawler's verdict - Part I
Edited by Tahribator, 17 January 2015 - 10:39 AM.