Posted 18 February 2014 - 09:55 PM
Impressions here, but I am curious so I'll weigh in.
A community manager can only do his job if he's given the tools to do so. I'm guessing that job would be:
1. To be a conduit of information to the community.
2. To be a Q & A guy.
3. To organize tournaments and events for the community.
4. To visit with the various units/factions and community groups out there - that is, make courtesy calls and do his best to represent the company and keep up the morale.
This is what probably happened:
1. PGI didn't give him information to release, and he was bound by a contract to not give away information that wasn't approved to be released - which was anything that wasn't basically already ready to be released. The speed of releases, other than mechs and maybe maps means that he didn't have much that he could say.
2. You can't be a Q & A guy if you aren't allowed to say anything, and since PGI doesn't KNOW a lot about their future he can't say much. Example: he can't tell us how community warfare will work, because PGI doesn't know either. Also, if his bosses and various department heads put up command chair posts to explain how their balancing things, improving stuff, and new information that's going out: well, they've made Garth useless.
3. Can't organize tournaments and activities if there is very little mechanism to allow for it, or, even when you DO set up tournaments like "Hunt the Devs," it requires programmer and engineer time. Garth wouldn't be the boss of those people, and so only if Paul or Bryan tell them to stop what they're doing to set up a tourney/event, it wouldn't happen; rendering Garth useless once again.
4. He probably isn't allowed to visit independent and/or private units, which make up the vast majority of the veteran/old guard mechwarrior community. The Steiner Hub, which is the LARGEST confederation of over a dozen Steiner aligned units, many which have been playing as a unit in mechwarrior for a decade or more, has NEVER been officially visited by ANY PGI employee. I don't know if Garth was aloud to even visit teamspeaks and chat with them or not, but I expect he wasn't or he would. This has kept PGI segregated from the core of their playerbase, leading directly to the town hall stuff, resentment among the playerbase, and the idea that we are on an 'Island.'
So, here's what I figured happened. Garth was given a job, but not the tools to do that job. PGI NEEDS a community manager. It's apparent that Garth COULDN'T do the job - if his job was as I outlined above. Whether he couldn't because PGI mismanaged him, didn't give him the freedom and the tools to do it, or if he just didn't have the skill-set to do the job as Russ implies in his Twitter. Reading between the lines, and having studied how PGI releases information - when they actually do - Garth was probably hogtied and gagged the moment they hired him.
One example is the question on all my friend's minds, as they contemplate the purchase of clan mechs: Will I be able to play with my friends, on the same team, if some of us have clan mechs and some have inner sphere mechs? This question has been asked over and over since the Dev Vlog #2 and no one has answered. It would be Garth's job to answer that question, explain why to the community, gather that feedback and deliver it to the devs so they can continue to build and improve the game in a positive way. However, even if Garth were still a PGI employee, and KNEW the answer, I doubt he would be allowed to say anything. Also, if he was allowed to talk to the community about it and gathered the feedback, I bet the Devs would just laugh and say: watch this, and do what they wanted anyway. Thus, hogtied and gagged.
Conclusion based on my impressions: Garth never had a chance.