Thanatos676, on 19 February 2014 - 09:38 AM, said:
Once again, I have a pristine tin foil hat for sale, and you need it...
At least I presented a theory based on some sort of evidence. Why don't you add something useful to the thread rather than troll it and make fun of those who have?
Thanatos676, on 19 February 2014 - 09:26 AM, said:
the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence
How can you make a speculation based off of evidence when speculation by DEFINITION means its a theory or conjecture without firm evidence....
I formed my theory/conjecture off of the evidence I have. The evidence I have only tells PART of the story, therefor it is not FIRM evidence. So, therefor, it's speculation, and I said so when I first formed the theory. I don't understand how your comment added to the conversation in any way. If you have an argument against my theory, I am willing to entertain it. But trolling doesn't serve any function.
Egomane, on 19 February 2014 - 09:34 AM, said:
Can those selfrightous players of the blame game please stop?
We have no idea what went on internally at PGI that resulted in Garth leaving the company.
Yes, they fired him. So?
So please do not try to make up speculations, based on "evidence", which is at best a biased by opinion observation.
It's a thing between PGI and Garth and we have no say in it and no right to be in the know about the details and we shouldn't speculate about them, as it will lead to nothing.
I wish him good luck with his future endeavors and hope he enjoys them!
Sure, my observations/opinions are biased. Speculating on the details, however, MAY lead to something. I don't write editorials with no reasons behind it. Judging by your reaction, Egomane, perhaps they WILL mean something more than expeculation. Here's what I hope my speculations will lead to, should my words be lucky enough to strike a chord with PGI.
My point in speculating why he lost his job is to point out a big gap in PGI's community involvement. Whether Garth had any control in these decisions or not really is neither here nor there. My main concern is that, with or without Garth, PGI will still have the problems it has had in the past unless they either open up to, or allow players and unit organizers in on what is happening with the game development. PGI also needs to be more supportive of player run activities and events, which are sometimes the only thing that keeps players around after they've mastered a dozen mechs in endless death matches with nothing to show for it (planetary capture/faction rewards/titles/etc.). Units need to have goals to work for. My unit saved up for the dropship within two weeks of it being announced. It's very hard for unit and community organizers to put together anything without any idea of what we're working toward or for. We don't know whether to buy Clan mechs because we don't know if we'll be able to play with them without defecting from our current Inner Sphere employer, for example. We can't put together tournaments without private lobbies. We could score match results from various scheduled drops with a thin client (a program that keeps track of drops a given player is in) but I've not heard that PGI is willing to work with us on that.
So, really Egomane, there IS purpose to why I editorialize. I want to see changes made. Sometimes pointing out problems is the first step in rectifying them. I like Garth too, I don't think anyone doesn't like him, and he's actually one of the few PGI guys I DON'T particularly target when I see them - though we have both killed each other in the past. I don't want to disparage Garth in any way: but I do want to raise my concerns to PGI and this seemed like a thread where I could get through to them - or at least add my vote to the body of discontent out there. A thread about a community manager being let go? Makes sense to talk about community management!
Garth is cool, and he was fired, and I want to see something good come out of it. And don't get self-righteousness confused with conviction. I admit all along that what I say is conjecture. I still haven't heard any statements to lead me to believe my theories are incorrect - and that doesn't make me self-righteous if that comment was directed at me. Perhaps because I see self-righteousness synonymous with closed-minded, and that I am not! I love to be proven incorrect when I criticize something. So, PGI, the gauntlet is thrown down! Open up to the community and we'll reward you with loytalty and affection. Stay closed, keep telling us we're on an island and eventually, you'll realize your island is a lot smaller than ours. That's not a threat, it's a challenge!