Khobai, on 07 January 2014 - 09:35 PM, said:
Disagree. Gauss is proof of that. The change to the Gauss was neither recharge, heat, or projectile speed. They completely changed the firing mechanics of the Gauss. If they can do that for Gauss they can do it for Autocannons too, and make them burst fire.
Autocannons should have a magazine which stores 4-10 rounds. Once all the rounds in the magazine are fired, the autocannon should go on cooldown while the magazine reloads.
So instead of doing 20 damage all at once, the AC/20 would have a 4-round magazine, and each round would do 5 damage. There would be about a 0.25s firing delay between each round, and once all four rounds are fired there would be a cooldown period of about 3s until the magazine is fully reloaded again. So the overall dps would remain the same, but the damage would be split up into smaller increments. This change would increase the skill cap on the AC/20 by making it harder to land all 20 damage in one location.
Roland, on 07 January 2014 - 10:08 PM, said:
You're talking about effectively making AC's do DOT like lasers.... only in kind of chunks, making them even harder to use.
So they're the really heavy, huge, lasers that require you to lead the target.
If you make such a change, then everyone will just switch to lasers... because you have effectively eliminated the chief advantage of the AC's. Lasers will then just be better than them.
Mister Blastman, on 07 January 2014 - 10:14 PM, said:
And then brawling will come to life again. Problem solved. Happy times to be had by all.
If we wanted to reduce the pinpoint power of ACs but not make them into "giant lasers," we can just increase the rate of fire and divide both the damage and heat (increase ammo accordingly, probably cut down screen shake as well). I.e. reduce AC/20 cooldown to 2 seconds, damage to 10, heat to 3, and increase ammo per ton to 14. Same damage and heat ratios, just spread out over time more (this would apply to the other ACs as well).
If our heat system was a bit more sane, the low heat of ACs would be advantage enough (particularly with a capacity set fairly low [but dissipation cranked up way higher to keep energy useful]). And they still have a DPS advantage (which only matters in close quarters most of the time, but still) plus screen shake.