Ceefood, on 13 January 2014 - 01:18 AM, said:
& no offense but when people like you keep buying items like this it helps PGI justify their exorbitant prices they keep charging. If people actually sat down & said "they really are overcharging us" then no one or very few bought it then PGI would have to re-evaluate their marketing & costs then bring it to a decent level. ...............................................................I was also saying that PGI have a very bad PR image currently with a lot of players so making the limited edition available for no additional cost or minimal extra would help their PR I would think
Madw0lf, on 13 January 2014 - 06:01 AM, said:
Its all about perception though. Does it seem like a decent price to me? Taking into consideration how much I want it, what itll do for me, and what kind of money I have to spend. Personally Ive spent a good amount of money on this game, for things I like (Love the PP mechs minus the Locust. Have several Heros including the GI) and have felt I could justify, because I really enjoy this game. Most of my gaming time the last year (which is kind of minimal) has gone into MWO.
And Im thinking enough people overall have the same feeling as me and PGI are meeting their income goals. Theres and old sayin; If it ait broke, dont fix it
I understand what you mean, Ceefood, and agree that it would be a good PR move for them, but the benefit would have been minimal, unfortunately. Look at the free premium time they recently gave us - they got a few "thanks", but many people didn't notice, replied with "n.o.p.e." like id10ts, or forgot about it the next day. If they had included it at no extra charge, no one would have even noticed because they expected it to be free. Granted, the way they did it upset people that assumed that and was a poor way of handling it too, but they are screwed either way.
What Madw0lf is saying is true - no on us forcing you to pay anything, so if you don't think it is a good deal, don't buy it. If you want it, help support the game for what it is and hopefully will be and enjoy it. Plenty of people think the game is really good currently and many of us are very hopeful for what the game will turn out to be once PGI gets their ducks in a row.