Varent, on 09 January 2014 - 08:54 AM, said:
typical pug at high elo
4+ jump snipers
8+ with jump jets in general
typical 12 man at high elo
7-8+ jump snipers
Pretty much everyone has Jump jets. (you might see a kintaro running inteference or a Cent. Usually gonna be a S-Hawk these days though )
Man thats not the way to play
Mechwarrior - 12 man's , some pugs
i just don't get how people think Having 8-12 Assault/Heavy Mechs with Jumpjets just jumpsnipingwith the same team layout and gameplaystyle is a
GOOD Mechwarrior experience
So even if you get within the 80 meters range of a Twin PPC and Ballistic Highlander there is still the Ballistic damaged paired with jumpjets that i have seen able to get you out of the 80 meter range and shoot you mid air while torso twisting
(Its not that hard :L)
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SLIGHT jumpjetshake while falling or make the Crosshair still move while mid air but not as much while using the jumpjets
Paired with a introduction of Recoil for ballistics , shooting Your Twin AC 5's midair would offset your aim and only allow either a semi-accurate PPC shot or a semi-accurate
(but this still allows for a
inaccurate body shot by the seccond followup weapon shot midair either PPC or ballistic)
This Paired with fall damage (Not too much and scaled by Mech-Weight) on the Heavier Chassis's would discourage 70-90 Tonn's of armor jumpjetting without using thruster before they are about to hit the ground
So this would make poptarting more optimal for 45-70 tonns over the 90 tonns of armor poptarting you with 30-40 pinpoint alpha's and would give poptarters vulnerabilities but still be able to be used effectively at range unlike the Highlanders with more armor and less risk of poptarting at close/medium range
Lower armored mechs would take less leg damage or none at all if thrusters are used correctly while Heavier Tonned Mechs would require more thrust before landing
- Lower tonned mechs = Less amount of thrust required before they are about to land to avoid leg damage
- Lower armored (as compared to victors,Highlanders and Catapratchs) would have the disadvantage of having more risk if poptarting up close to said mechs
- A crosshair shake while falling
- Or no crosshair shake and make it so if you shoot both your Ballistic and PPC at the same time at a still crosshair , either the Ballistic or PPC will veer off course but one will still remain accurate if there is no crosshair shake
- Shooting either only a Ballistic/PPC will cause the crosshair to shake/veer off course drastically/midly so getting it on mark again would be difficult to get that second PPC/Ballistiic hit on
Edited by kesuga7, 09 January 2014 - 11:21 AM.