So, I was running a bad fit PB the other morning (xl190, ecm, ERLL), because I [the fit I wanted to try doesn't work, looked over the numbers in smurfy's please ignore]. My team got rolled hard. Managed to take pot shot for the remaining almost 8 minutes of the match only to get killed within the 1min mark because I got greedy and try to finish a legged ACH. I was wishing I could have stopped to chat the other team because they seem... agitated.
That said, are we still advocating a per-emptive Nerf Riot? Because as it stands the LCT doesn't [insert all the arguments previously posted in thread about LCT not need a nerf]
(to be clear, I don't actually advocate a riot and would honestly argue a vocal, but cordial discussion would be more productive...)
Edited by Blind Baku, 15 July 2016 - 06:33 AM.