TheFourthAlly, on 02 May 2017 - 05:07 PM, said:
That is so fantastic to play with. It's like arming a mechanical Roadrunner with a set of knives and tell it to go stab Uruk-Hai in the butt, make the big buggers squeal.
Meep Meep!
I need to get the 6spl 1E now and see if I can make that work for me.
Thank you anyone who ever posted on the joy of the Locust anywhere on these forums or in other places. I have perfectly good fun with my Hunchies, Warhammers and Timberwolves when it comes to shooting people in the face, and even the ACH I got are pretty sneaky buggers when they work for me, but Locusts with spls... I don't care if I die early a lot, when you don't it's hilarious to play.
Most of the fun I get from running locusts is being in a constant state of "ohcrapohcrapohcrap" where one bad move ends up being dead. The 1E will need a little more effort to get in close with without the ECM. On the plus side with the energy hardpoints in the arms you can better track targets, really useful hitting high components at high speed up close. Have fun!
DeeHawk, on 03 May 2017 - 07:52 AM, said:
As for "stolen" kills I respectfully disagree - what you just said here I call taking advantage of the tactical situation. If an assault decides to hang back and not engage until everyone is banged up or dead (think the 2xERPPC, 2xGauss builds) I make that pilot pay. And it's not my fault they decide to put no rear armour on their mech either, I just take advantage of their gamble. Same goes for weak/damaged mechs who are trying to hide, withdraw or whatever. If anything it just means lights are fulfilling the role of scout and harasser well.
I will concede that usually it is locusts picking off weak out of position targets but it's kinda pragmatic... against anything else they'd be annihilated!
Edited by Imapropirate314159265, 03 May 2017 - 11:29 PM.