Ui 2.0 Preview 3⅓ - Feedback Questionnaire
Posted 17 January 2014 - 10:03 AM
2) The only thing i would say i didnt like that much was that there was no quick select between for of your mechs like there was before, it doesnt need to have a picture of the mechs but maybe a box on the left hand side of the screen with just the mech names in it maybe.
3)The Social system was nice, i like having the invite to the group pop up in my friends list and also being able to see what mechs my group mates are running before we launch so i can change my mech if need be. We only had a problem with the invite showing up a few times.
4)Now the store is where i had the problem with, when i go to buy a mech i would really like to see how many hard points it has and how many heatsinks it has, i feel that this is a must for buying mechs this is something small that can be added to the stats sheet and when you mouse over the mech that you want to buy, that was my only problem with UI2.0
5) the in game interface wasnt bad, i didnt see much improvement but then again i didnt really have a problem with it before, it felt smooth, the one thing was that for some reason i couldnt type in game during the lobby phase.
6)other comments are that i really liked cockpit glass, i feel that it adds to the immersion of the game and reminds that you are looking out of a cockpit. and something that would be cool but will probably never happen is if when you are in the Mech lab, if all your mechs where lined up but spaced apart so when you select a mech it scrolls over to the mech and passes all your other ones depending on your order of mechs in your Bay. its not something that needs to be added but it would be cool and give you that feel of being in a Mech Bay.
despite what a lot of people say i hope you guys keep up the good work and carry on with greatness !
Posted 17 January 2014 - 10:24 AM
1. Display of mech quirks
2. Full screen
3. Inventory list of items
4. Owned mech list is slightly easier to find the mech I'm looking for
5. Pretty.
2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
1. Mechlab - Wow it is really not intuitive at all
2. Mechlab - Why can I not see the number of free/empty slots remaining while I'm filling out a mech?
3. Still no way to custom sort mechs. Actually, I would prefer the UI 1.5 mech list if I could drag and drop mechs in the order I wanted. There are certain mechs I play a lot pugging, there are certain other mechs I play a lot when with my group, there are other mechs I play very rarely but won't sell. I would really like to be able to sort them in a more reasonable manner.
3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
Not enough time to evaluate this.
4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
Not enough time to evaluate this
5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
The only thing I can really list here is that I forgot to change my defaults for the first drop. 3PV, Arm Lock, and Throttle Decay make for a very unfriendly drop. I honestly don't understand how those settings are considered new user friendly. I was able to at least remember what the key was to go back to 1PV, but couldn't remember how to turn off arm lock or throttle decay (if it is even possible).
6) Any other comments or concerns?[color=#959595] [/color]
The test server should be running 24/7 so that anyone that wants to test will have the option to do so. At a minimum, for tests like this UI change, you should run it for a few days straight, including a weekend. Because the majority of this change is in the front end system, you wouldn't even necessarily have to allow drops into match for this.
Do the people designing the Mechlab interface in UI 2.0 play the game? This is actually a serious question and I'm not just trying to cut them down. I ask this question because a couple months ago my company went to a design company to have them design a new interface for one of our software applications. We gave them a brief overview of what the existing software does and what we want the new system to be able to do. What we got back in their initial spin of the UI was visually stunning, but totally unusable. From there, we gave them some additional use cases and went through their UI design to figure out how to solve those use cases. UI design #2 from them was way closer to what we needed, and yet still looked great. A few more use cases and they are back at it. I am hopeful that the next version will be something we can run with.
I didn't actually keep track of how many posts in this thread mentioned Smurfy, but there were quite a few. That should tell you something about what a significant portion of the posting crowd would like to see for a more useful/easy to use interface. I could have one of my non-Battletech friends jump on Smurfy and he would be able to figure out how to modify a mech pretty quickly. I would not expect that they would be able to do the same thing with the mech lab in UI 2.0 at this time.
The one area that PGI has consistently impressed me in is their artwork. Even in UI 2.0, the Look of the UI is impressive. It is the Feel aspect of the UI that doesn't work for me. Unfortunately, for a UI to work you need both Look and Feel.
I really would have liked to have had more time in the interface to get a better feel for it, but these short test windows don't work well for a lot of people.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 10:41 AM
Posted 17 January 2014 - 10:48 AM
There are a bit too many items in the screen, but no information about the actual engines or the speed the mech will travel once equipped. Also, look how silly the Center Torso window looks there all alone? Plenty of room for the whole paperdoll.
![Posted Image](http://i.imgur.com/SU0Zaj2.jpg)
Just the mech. Plenty of wasted space.
![Posted Image](http://i.imgur.com/lKBGzG8.jpg)
If the pilot tree window was a bit larger, there wouldn't be any need for scrollbars. Also, the wasted blank space looks a bit silly.
![Posted Image](http://i.imgur.com/tNN2Gd2.jpg)
Camo spec and color interface has to be changed. You can select one color at a time, but it's done by clicking those tiny arrows there. There's enough room for a grid of colors. Also, the group selection of colors needs to be changed, it's extremely counterintuitive - how does the player know where to find his colors, when all he can see is "basic colors", "blues" or "phoenix".
![Posted Image](http://i.imgur.com/rTLXQwZ.jpg)
Three different fonts in one screen. Looks funny, don't know if it's because I've used to just one font (the one used in chat window). The font used in weapon groups looks nice.
![Posted Image](http://i.imgur.com/iHS6RIN.jpg)
In mechlab, you see all your owned mechs. You don't see their setup, hard points, or if you've installed e.g. ferro-fibrous armor. Also, the text size is too small - unreadable.
![Posted Image](http://i.imgur.com/8RIlzQx.jpg)
Posted 17 January 2014 - 11:28 AM
- Graphics were quite nice; ability to spin mech and view at any time very nice.
- Full screen very nice (could not find a difference from full window so no idea why both are options).
2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
- Very clunky and not at all intuitive for locating items, or modules, or nearly anything.
- If I don't own a mech I don't want to see it listed in my inventory with a zero, I simply don't want to see it in my list at all. It can join my inventory after I purchase it.
- Hero mechs should appear only under the hero tab only listed by weight, not in both the hero tab and the appropriate weight class tab, same goes for the champion mechs.
- I do not like seeing Founders mechs, Project Phoenix mechs, and Sarah's Jenner listed as champions, while the bonuses may be identical they are not champion mechs (which are nothing but a craptastic money grab in the first place).
- Applying colors in lab for camo and other patterns was mediocre at the best and again not very intuitive or user friendly.
- Data screens including pop out/up ones for mechs, even in just the home screen area and not while loading out equipment and weapons, was nice but data was still disorganized and hard to locate therefore ruining their usefulness.
- I didn't get to participate in other UI 2.0 tests but if this is an improvement then there are significant issues needing resolved, and not just in the product or lack of product.
3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
Not impressive
4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
Again not impressive
5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
Never tried to launch
6) Any other comments or concerns?
You still have a long way to go. LONG WAY TO GO. This UI isn't even close to ready for use.
You shouldn't be considering releasing it for another 5-6 months from what I can tell so far.
At the current pace, you're never going to survive to launch the Clan mechs (and the downward
spiral of failures is continuing still).
Until promised content is delivered, there will be no additional cash input from me or any of my friends.
We've all committed to not wasting any more our money, until all of your promised content starts
hitting the street, as the top priority, in an excellent and virtually problem free state from the moment
it is released. (And sadly you're probably going "Who cares...there are plenty of others to ...drain")
Correcting all existing “bugs” known at this point needs to be your second highest priority. The
addition of more mechs, with the exception of a 95 ton one, should not even be considered until all
of the promised content is delivered and fully functional (with minimal bugs), and the currently
existing list of bugs is properly corrected.
This public test was lackluster, and unfortunately has become the defacto standard state of affairs
with regards to MWO, from what I can tell and appears to have been rushed as a way of trying to
mollify the player base, or distract them perhaps, about the lack of content after the Clan Invasion
announcements and rage that ensued immediately prior to Christmas.
The sad state of affairs for MWO is that you're still not TRULY ready for this game to be considered
finished and launched. IGP and PGI (yes together since they are virtually inseparable) have rushed
things along every step of the way, going from closed beta to open beta when the players were telling
you it is not ready, going from open beta to launch when once again the players said you are not ready
(and they've been vindicated by being correct so far) giving us substandard experiences.
I won't be leaving any time soon, as I am hoping that perhaps it is possible to have the state of affairs
corrected and this game can actually become all that was originally envisioned instead of a what now
appears to be a mere cash grab banking on the "MechWarrior" name.
Edited by Khan Hallis, 17 January 2014 - 12:04 PM.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 11:38 AM
I most appreciated the new sense of immersion and depth within the pre-game system. The departure from a "flat" screen menu system makes the building experience more enjoyable. In addition, the performance enhancements throughout the game are well received.
2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
The most difficult moments were experienced while trying to rebind keys in the settings menu. an onslaught of double beeps and attempting to _not_ rebind my first mouse button ensued, and it took 10x as long as it ought to have.
Also, I seem to have lost most of the information regarding my current mech loadout in total, as well as most info regarding specific components.
3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
I enjoyed the new look, but, having not received an invite during the test, am concerned that communications will still hide behind a small, mildly blinking icon in the corner. A mail / message icon or invite icon addition would be swell.
4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
While I enjoyed previewing the swaths of mech options available, I couldn't for the life of me find out what equipment they came loaded with, nor any indication that a mech with equipment capability (eg ECM) could actually equip it if it wasn't loaded by default and alotted a little orange X
5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
All hail the devs. Absolutely gorgeous. Only in-game glitch was chat fail during the countdown / ready screen.
6) Any other comments or concerns?
My good, fine devs. Thank you all. With the caveat that I most thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed this preview opportunity, and continue to, without question, relish my every moment in MWO, and if you please, may I present my my more meticulous criticism of the preview experience, noted as each event was experienced, and hope that I may somehow be constructive:
click on slider bar to set rather than having to click and drag slider
show numeric value for current setting around slider
difficult to double click to set new bindings
--lots of double-beeps and trying to rebind my Mouse 1 button
would like to rotate mech 3D in the home view, with zoom, to be just the prettiest thing around (of course)
too easy to sell the wrong mech? show the layout for the variant selected
failed to load page in chrome
must this be and external feature?
initial switch to first person had white texture with blue text "signal" filling my windows
filter for "all" doesn't indicate that I already own a particular variant. would help to avoid or facilitate double purchases
show current loadout during selection screen
--I would really appreciate the availability of a closable, full loadout list. The only place I've found to see all my weapons currently loaded is in the shiny, new (thank you!) pre-launch weapon group window
--no capacity to see loadout of mechs when looking to purchase. can't tell what I'm buying with each chassis
--additionally, ecm equipped mechs not stock with ecm do not display the capacity to mount the unit
hover over installed unit for tonnage, etc... have to look in tables for any data
would appreciate a small table of everything currently loaded. it's lack is distinct.
no hover over info for engine slot/tonnage
--no info to indicate why a particular unit is unavailable/invalid
the new layout, overlapping the mech, is less legible and negotiable. I prefer to see a palette of all options, as opposed to the truncated scrolling iphone thumb wheels of ADHD fixation. Also, the small, unbordered white text disappears on white mechs
please indicate the number of available slots free in the current mech for my consideration in installing ferro/endo etc.
--can't find this anywhere. need to check the head loadout to see if there's any free.
please add a filter for "owned" and "display all" for cockpit items
after match
wish personal player stats were shown first, rather than game score board
please add, either during or after the game, some way to scroll through the chat... want to find the helpful people from my team
In general
I'd appreciate the "quit match" button being significantly larger than the "exit game" button... because mistakes.
Likewise, when shopping, or buying new equippables, having the price font larger than general info font would help eye-seeking
--primary information and typical-intention buttons ought have more precedence in the screen real estate
search for mechs with modules
search for mechs with cockpit items
search for mechs with (insert any eqipable in the game here)
Once again, I am obliged to you all for your determination and effort to resurrect this franchise and imbue it with the care and quality which I've been thrilled to experience. Carry on.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 11:50 AM
It looks crisper.
2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
The amount of clicking to do anything. I can't see all the crit slots at once. No tally of how many crits are left.
The hover over what shows mech details doesn't show their load out. I had to customize a mech to see what was in it.
3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
Seemed ok. I didn't get to use it much.
4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
To many clicks but it was smooth.
5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
I didn't notice a difference
6) Any other comments or concerns?[color=#959595] [/color]
You really need to include all the features that the community made mech labs have.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 12:09 PM
2. Lotta clicking, tiles get too small at times (like engine choice tab) could not find save mech button easily. still no strip mech button. made computer fans kick in like I was in a game.
3. Forgot to check that part out.
4 The store menu was fine. I was only there briefly.
5. All I played was dark maps making it hard to see the glass changes
6. Its hard to see the total of a mech with all the tiles and tabs to navigate. I would prefer a more holistic approach like smurfy's in the loadout screen.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 12:38 PM
- Overall game performance & ability to boost visual settings is FANTASTIC! (ThankYou ThankYou ThankYou!)
- The ability to re-size the UI window to your "regular" resolution is better than being locked into the little Live UI window
- It's nice to see a bigger mech & the details when changing loadout (Though this cosmetic change is a nice-to-have and not highly relevant to needs)
- Ability to filter display of mechs / weapons / etc is very helpful
- Ability to see larger grids of items is nice in some circumstances
- Non-graphical List View of certain sections, like Inventory, is sweet! (I'd love to see List View functionality for everything as the hard-core CW devotees are going to be juggling a lot of information and the eye-candy, while nice, will be of little importance.)
- Even more clicks than UI 1.0 are required to make common tasks happen
- Primary mech management functions are even less intuitive than UI 1.0.
- Overall mech layout? Available slots where? Crit / Hardpoints where?
- The hover & wait for eye-candy popups to deliver critical statistical information borders on maddening. ...in some cases statistical information is altogether gone. (WWHAAAAAAAT?)
- The general focus on eye-candy over usability causes me no small amount dread when I consider how long we might be using UI 2.0 in awaiting usability refinements (...to the point where I might stop playing different mechs / builds b/c of the extended tedium of configuration effort)
- Clicking on a grid-based item, then having to navigate to the center of the screen for the modal accept/cancel window, is a total PITA on a larger / high-res monitor. Multi-action / Prompted action should "stick" near to the current cursor location.
- Same Distance-of-Navigation issues stand for most of the new interface. Click on "Left Arm" in mech lab all the way on the left, look waaaay over to the right to see current load out. Tons of visual and physical scanning & slower UI response makes configuration even more laborious than in UI 1.0
- Text scaling is almost unreadable / invisible on a high resolution monitor
- More fluid that current Social UI
- Would like to see an online / offline toggle or some way to go "invisible" in case you want to play alone, use training grounds, etc. Social is great, but consider that sometimes privacy might be desired. Creating a fully new account and having to "start from scratch" for the opportunity to be nameless for brief intervals is a nonstarter.
- The button for "Activate Premium Time" down in the left corner next to the LogOut button.... (REALLY?) Obviously there's a trigger to say Accept/Cancel, but that's going to just be a constant thorn when the logout button is so tiny on a high-res display.
- The whole "Checkout" serving as a "Save" terminology is counter-intuitive.
- Pricing / purchase order / checkout buried in the lower left out of the User Action / Focus area in the center is a bit odd.
- Getting better every iteration! Looking forward to this new release.
- Please maintain the UI 1.0 paper doll access method and make it a toggleable option or add an all-in-one layout viewer similar to other Mech games and MechLab tools.
- Add a "Mech Build" saver... (Please Please Please!)
- so we can have N-number of builds / configurations that we can toggle in just few clicks
- make the builds title-able
- prompt for "buy needed parts?" if you have the cash and lack the equipment
- prompt for "pull parts off of other mechs in inventory?" if parts are owned but equipped elsewhere
- make these builds share-able / link-able so that teammates can trade configurations without having to manually go through the config / provision process ( example being mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab ) ...then share some sort of API or encoding standard so other external MechLabs can consume builds from people passing around the config links. (Rock on!)
- so we can have N-number of builds / configurations that we can toggle in just few clicks
Edited by fudog, 17 January 2014 - 12:49 PM.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 01:32 PM
Overall look and feel from an aesthetic perspective is good.
Camo spec feels easier to use.
2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
The way the mechlab works is very unintuitive, confusing, very user unfriendly, and requires far too much clicking and navigating to build mechs.
I am not able to quickly see what equipment a mech has nor am I able to quickly navigate the through the mechs components to equip it or add armor.
Although the list on the left is helpful with its filtering system, the mech information displayed on the screen lacks useful information. Also there is this cursor hover over display frame with information about the mech information display that should be shown with the mech in the mechlab, along with more information about the mech. Below is an image of how is thought on putting more information about the mechs you own when navigating through them in the mechlab
![Posted Image](http://i.imgur.com/ySwj73L.jpg)
There are no save, reset, and cancel buttons in the mech lab. This is very unintuitive! I have to navigate out of the mechlab in order to save the change I have made? Not user friendly. Please make this very explicit by simply add the button in the left menu bar.
Furthermore, the information displayed about components in the center frame seems far too simplified and missing critical information.
For example when selecting an engine for a mech there far too many displayer on screen, and they lack useful information such as tonnage.
Seeing a 7 x 5 grid of engines all showing "INVALID" - but why is it invalid? Tonnage or Critical slots? How will as user know this?
Showing so many items on screen in this manner of little information adds confusion.
Off to the right is pretty 3D image of the mech but this is prime real-estate to add more information showing all the mech critical slots and armor. Perhaps you can switch from the 3D mech model to the mech design/critical slot layout through a tab system. The following hacked together images I think helps to show more information on the mech for easier mech building:
![Posted Image](http://i.imgur.com/Kw8pB2B.jpg)
My overall conclusion on the mechlab is that is goes one step forward three steps backward from UI 1.0 and I feel the mechlab will greatly reduce quality of life for players.
3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
The social system seems to add some good information improvements but the requirement to open and close to use it is a major drawback.
I would like to be able to set a mech for drop in the social system and be allowed to use the rest of the UI.
4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
The store seems to be a bit easier to purchase mechs. Hard to see what you own and don't own in the large grid of mechs.
5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
It looks pretty and perhaps makes some improvements but there are major issues that degrade the user experience.
6) Any other comments or concerns?
Certain user interface design elements seem to be lacking some use friendliness and not followed in some areas.
Example, owned 0 vs. owned 1.... It is now much harder to spot out what equipment you do have in the large grid of item.
Simply have a yellow outline box around owned 0 and have filled green bard for owned 1 would be an easy visual indicator to show what you own and don't own.
(***even tried to help account for color blind people with this change)
Next all of the item grids move vertically except in the Store - Home tab, they move horizontally.
I find this to go against the standard design element from the rest of the UI and should be changed to vertical.
Pop-up fatigue creates a frustrating user experience. Example - Unlocking a Skill required 3 different popup windows that require user interaction in-order to complete.
1. Pop-up to buy the skill using Mech XP or General XP
2. Pop-up to confirm the purchase
3. Pop-up to tell me the purchase was completed
I find the last/third pop that requires the user to click OK unnecessary.
The second pop-up to confirm purchases is good for some and not for others. A global setting to have purchases auto-confirmed (or not) would cater to both sides.
Edited by driftrobot, 17 January 2014 - 01:34 PM.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 01:43 PM
Visually, it looks cleaner. I have a fullscreen UI. The UI does NOT look like a poorly-made Flash internet game from 1996. I like that you have the 'quirks' for 'mechs actually posted, and that you have extra info on the weapons (range dropoff etc). I like being able to look through my 'mechs by chassis weight.
2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
I'm sorry, this list is longer:
a) The fact that, based on what I've seen in this public test, that you will ignore what I write in my answer to question 6.
b ) If you're going to let me sort my chassis' by size...why, God, why are they still listed in the same order I bought them? Why don't I have the option to see all the same chassis' by each other? I.e., put my 4 Atlases together, my 4 Victors, etc.
c) The camo selection is an abomination. You've managed to make the visual 'mech look nice, but actually picking/selecting the colors is a big pain in the ***. If you want us to spend MC, you want us to be able to quickly change around to specific colors we want...that way our impulse of OOH SHINY by far outweights the "but dude, real money" in our heads. By giving us a Xbox-like scroll feature you give our brains time to get disgusted with how slow it is, and get entirely frustrated with the system. Those who DO use it will do so once, and NEVER RETURN.
d) Lack of a paper-doll or a Smurfy's-like interface. The paper-doll was an excellent, intuitive way to switch between 'mech areas. Trashing it was a mistake. Not being able to take a single, intuitive look at a glance at a 'mech and see what's in it (like at Smurfy's) is a huge opportunity lost. We have said this EVERY public test of this UI. Please start listening.
e) Like others have said, the text at higher resolutions is too small to be easily readable.
f) the amount of wasted space surrounding views that include a scroll bar is stupid...give us slightly bigger menus and negate the need for superfluous scroll bars.
g) You show us an inventory of 'mechs, and equipment, but not equipment ON 'mechs. If you showed us what equipment was on what 'mech (modules too) the community would very much appreciate it.
h) No save button? Just a 'checkout' button? Are you TRYING to confuse us into clicking 'checkout' for an MC purchase by accident? Please, label the 'save' function clearly. The inability to double-click on a 'mech in the inventory and go to configure it in the 'mechlab is also annoying
i) I have to go into the 'mechlab to look at a loadout? Bothersome...like many areas of this UI you seem to think we want to click as many times as possible. We don't. Making something "pretty" doesn't mean it's streamlined. You haven't prioritized function over form...bad move.
j) Reserved for more...there's a lot roiling around but those were the ones at the front of my brain.
3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
Not an improvement over what we have now. If anything, a slight side-grade or down-grade. Buggy, didn't work. Why is the rest of my 'mechlab greyed out if I open the social tab? Let me chat in a box on the side that I can move around while actually DOING something else please. It's small, hard to read, and doesn't have an intuitive 'close' function.
4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
Considering that the store is the lifeline for a F2P...it could use improvement. A lot of improvement. Having different visuals for the equipment was nice...having an entire page of engines (many with red tags) staring at you is a nightmare. Not being able to see the loadouts/hardpoints for 'mechs you're about to purchase? Idiotic.
5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
Didn't have time to play after perusing the UI. N/A
6) Any other comments or concerns?
PGI, people left similar or identical comments to the above on both of the previous public tests. Is there any reason to expect you'll listen THIS time? They were good ideas and valid concerns the first couple of times around. Please make FUNCTION the priority...not FORM. Being pretty doesn't make you useful.
Edited by Ghost Badger, 17 January 2014 - 01:47 PM.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 03:03 PM
Full screen and the mechs look fantastic
2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
PGI has managed to do something I didnt think was possible, make the mechlab NOT FUN. It is a clusterfock of unintuitive drop down menus with wasted space, hidden information and too much information that does nothing for the player. Why are you trying to reinvent the wheel? Its obvious the people making the UI dont play this game. Its one of the most frustrating UI's Ive ever used.
Keep it simple stupid. This is what your mechlab should look like
Troutmonkey, on 16 January 2014 - 06:23 PM, said:
On to other complaints. Why are mechs not categorized together by type? What I mean by this is, why do I see 1 Jenner, then have to scroll down further to find my other Jenners? They should all be together and if I dont own the mech, I dont want to see it in my inventory.
Also, why are my Founder's and Phoenix mechs listed as Champion mechs?
I could go on but I'll just summarize by saying UI2 is too busy, too unintuitive and a struggle to use. The mechlab is HORRIBLE. I WILL NOT continue to play this game if you patch this in as is. I dont play games to be pissed off, but thats what you guys have managed to do. Thats saying something. Its one thing to be mad about the gameplay, its a whole nother to have the UI frustrate you into not playing. Thats just fail. My advice is to go back and play MW3 and MW4 to get an idea on how a mechlab is supposed to be.
/rant off
Edited by SilentWolff, 17 January 2014 - 03:09 PM.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 03:12 PM
Just had a simple idea how to lessen the overall clicking-workload while using UI2.0:
Remove all notification popups with redundant info, where the user has only the option to click "OK".
After unlocking a mech efficenciy a notification popup "Efficency successfully unlocked." with an OK-button appears. At the same time the unlocked efficency gets it's color and "unlocked" symbol and is imideately recognizable as unlocked anyways.
So the notificaton might be nice to track what happens in the background, but is an unnecessary click for the user since there is already another obvious indicator for the efficency being unlocked, Getting rid of this and similar notifications should make using UI2.0 a little bit faster and more intuitive.
(Btw, no idea if somebody already presented this Idea. Haven't read all 18 pages
Posted 17 January 2014 - 03:44 PM
Posted 17 January 2014 - 04:28 PM
The game seem crisper which was nice.
The store front and social interface was a lot better
It still needs a return to default button.
It needs a critical components check list for heat sinks ie an XL in a light needs added heat sinks.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 04:46 PM
Posted 17 January 2014 - 06:19 PM
I Can not read small text on menus at all make a large text option.
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