Void Angel, on 15 January 2014 - 05:11 PM, said:
Actually, I blame Jump Snipers. I had a whole dissertation about this that I painstakingly laid out, then clicked the wrong tab to close and lost all my work. So here's the summary. The problem is a domino effect between three parts of the game. I'm not attempting or intending to lay out or account for the entire state of the game here, but these are the controlling factors of the problem, in my view:
- Jump Snipers are still too strong. Jump jet shake helped a little, but mostly weeded out the copycat scrubs - you can still jump snipe effectively by letting off the jets. Similarly, the nerfs to high-alpha weapons and builds did help, but not enough. Players simply started using different weapons with the same jump sniping mechanic.
- The nerfs to high-alpha weapons did help Dakka 'mechs, though! They're stronger than ever, and are becoming more and more common on the battlefield.
- The rise of Dakka has resulted in longer engagement ranges for longer periods of time, contributing to a resurgence of LRM boats.
- Brawlers, on the other hand, have it tough right now. All of the above roels excel at punishing 'mechs for moving over open ground, which is unavoidable unless you manage to sneak up on an enemy who's not paying attention. It's even worse if you're a large, slow brawler - which is just the kind of 'mech you need to counter large, slow, high-alpha snipers.
All of this has the effect of encouraging long-range builds and discouraging close-range builds by discouraging the brawler role (particularly heavy-combat, non-XL assaults.) People (particularly less skilled or experienced players) can feel punished for leaving cover - which is why you see people increasingly refusing to do it at all. There's a reason the OP mentioned Frozen City - Coward's Ridge on that map is the textbook example of this kind of behavior. They feel safe in their hidey-holes, and that ridgeline blocking their line of sight is
ever so scary...
Now, it's not hopeless -although it is occasionally
very frustrating. I still play brawlers in PuGs and I can still do well. But in order to make a brawler work, you often have to opt out of much of the fight and hope that your teammates don't fold. You're basically guarding against any pushes from the other side and hoping that all the Dakka 'mechs, LurmWarriors, and Snipers will whittle each other down enough for you to be effective later in the match.
I see VA is again at advocating BRAWLERS.

Ok again:
This is Mechwarrior not drunken brawler, not S4 League, and not Mortal Combat.
Yea the current meta is encouraging thought out positioning, ranged fights and movement.
If you, as the posts opener rightfully said, just walk into people trying to brawl or just sitting there holding the middle, you loose and die. The main problem isn't that ppl try to snipe or something.
The main problem is that people just mindlessly want to smash something. Thats where most of my lost games come from.
And the incentive to be mindless, rash and overly bloodthirsty is a gameplay mechanic that focuses on brawling.
Thank god the devs saw this and put an stop to this.
At least there is a
smal chance atm that people hold on a moment trying to think or to communicate.
And often enough when I stand back at cowards ridge with my Victor seeing the brawly boys rushing away typing "push push push" or similar CS gibberish over open chanel I see one or two other Warriors forming up at my sides. And those ore mostly the people you can talk with. Making an agreement regarding the right time and the right place to hit the enemy where it hurts most.
I saw you and other ppl point out the "Cluster - theorie" in the folowing posts.
Front and flanking group.
Isn't it obvious to you guys that less ranged combat (and there for coutionous behavior) and more incentives for brawling would also put Incentives for players temped to just charge into the enemy creating a large mindless mainbody, reducing the ( I admit it its only a smal chance ) chance for forming up and so on ?
Edited by The Basilisk, 16 January 2014 - 02:28 AM.