Das bcyt Aufklärungsteam war einmal mehr aktiv!
Viele neue Infos und ETAS sind dort zu finden:
* NGNG#100
* Version 1 of UI 2.0 confirmed for Feb. 4th, with frequent updates to follow
* Quack!
* Module Locator, Coconut Monkey Bobblehead Locator, and Auto-Refill Consumables not expected in version 1, but anticipate monthly updates adding these and similar features
* Russ wants steam, Daeron wants sweat, and Jason wants cracked glass
* Russ thinks Oxide hero 'mech is underpowered, looking for feedback to improve it. JJ's? Additional ballistic hardpoints?
* New light 'mech coming Feb. 4th and it is NOT the Panther --> komplett neues und nicht angekündigtes chassi: zuerst hero, später der Rest
* Quack!
* Assault Mode getting a makeover in Feb. 4th patch, new Mobile HQ model + turrets! HQ-Modell ist nach wie vor stastisch!!!
* Tier 1 Weapons Modules (levels 1 & 2) coming Feb. 4th - leichte tweaks per module slot möglich - mehr range, bla... Wegen der Turrets wird sich das Capverhalten ändern - je nach Mechzustand *Autschn...
* DX11 to go to Public Test server post Feb. 4th patch, likely to go live Feb. 18th or March 4th
* Weight restrictions (erste Hälfte April), matchmaker, and Launch Module
* Current high ELO issues and potential solutions
* Should ELO scores be reset?
* Private Matches will be included with Launch Module in April - erste Hälfte
* VLog's will continue once a month, audio and quality will continue to improve/evolve
Edited by Chillicon, 24 January 2014 - 04:36 AM.