Or, what to expect when you're expecting! Syllogy's thread kinda took over this type of post for a long time but he is apparently no longer updating- right before the biggest patch we've had in a long time! Props to Syllogy for his work in the past, but I guess it's my turn again.
The patch for Feb 4th has made some big promises, covering a wide range of features and areas. due to the wide range of included items, information is a bit spread out. I don't like spread out information I like it all in one spot, so here we go! To be edited as more info arrives.
Note that they only announced tier 1 would be in the Feb 4th patch, so I presume we can expect some weapon modification modules but not the entire system, with more to come further down the line.
Tier 1 weapon modules are now in development builds. We will be looking at exactly how these modules will be affecting gameplay and the first set of modules affect weapon RANGES. Expect to see these in game fairly soon
Feb 4th – Assault mode refresh/improvements – Includes new Base model to replace the resource collector for a Forward Operating Base truck with the additions of turrets. Helps differentiate it from other modes like Conquest.
Autonomous Turret System Spec/Features
COCOON MODE - When the turret is inactive it goes into a cocoon state where it receives a 99% damage resistance bonus as it folds up(animates) into a defensive structure.
PROXIMITY ACTIVATION SYSTEM - When enabled with a radius variable the turret will auto activate itself when an enemy enters that radius
TRACE FIRE WEAPONS - All trace weapons are available to be put on the turret at this time. That includes all lasers, machineguns, flamers.
LOCK ON MISSILE WEAPONS - LRMs and SSRMs can be fired from the turrets
AMS - The turret can have it's own AMS system.
TEAM - It will not engage friendly mechs.
ANIMATED - The turret will animate when it goes from it it active to inactive state
TRACKING SPEED - Turrets have a tracking speed and will miss or stop firing if the target's speed exceed the turrets tracking speed.
INFINITE NUMBER OF WEAPONS PER TURRET - The number of weapons is only restricted by the number of fire bones on the top gun turret mode.
SHARED TARGETING - Turrets share targeting information and will not target same targets unless only target available
CAN BE TARGETED AND LOCKED ON - Turrets can be targeted and locked by enemies for LRM fire
POWER GENERATOR - When destroyed turrets linked to generator will no longer have power to fire.
COMMUNICATION SYSTEM - When destroyed turrets will no longer be able to lock LRMs and SSRMs.
Edited by Redshift2k5, 30 January 2014 - 07:46 AM.