Rebas Kradd, on 31 January 2014 - 11:28 AM, said:
I half-agree.
Yes. We do have a role in game balance. Quit complaining about n00bs. Take the initiative to find the new players you drop with and take them under your wing. Encourage and teach them. If you can get new players to stick with it for a few matches until they get their first taste of competent killin' they will add to the community. A more robust community will ensure a better game experience for all of us.
No. Allowing unlimited tonnage and unmitigated easy-smash of new solo players by coordinated prems in the PUG are abuse-prone as they stand and add nothing to the game. PGI would only be making the game better by adding tonnage limits and a separate, higher-level premade queue (with bigger xp/cbill rewards to encourage players to step up and join premades).