Thought I'd start my own.
Uac-5 seems to be in a state where it doesn't really work very well as a single weapon for light to medium mechs, and is less than reliable at best.
Had a brainstorm and would like to share my thoughts.
"edit 2"
Proposed change to UAC-5 after discussion and refinement.
I like what a couple of you guys have said about making the jamming mechanic a mini-game type deal.
So how about this?
1. Give UAC-5 its own internal heat regulation per weapon (as is)
Holding down the firebutton fires UAC-5 at a fixed rate of 1.5 same as AC-5 mechanics.
Tapping shots allows for Burst fire. (as is)
UAC-5 allows you a much better chance of 2 shots before internal heat starts to roll the dice and raising the stakes of the jamming mechanic.
Start at 0% Chance To Jam on first shot, each shot after the first adds a % for C2Jam rolls.
Each shot after the first will add a small ammount of heat to the next shot.
Heat starts at 1 for the first shot, and adds 0.20 heat to every shot after that, and it stacks, ending with a maximum of 2 heat per shot to match the 30% maximum jam.
Additional heat only starts if you begin to use burst fire, and should reset on some type of cooldown.
UAC-5 has 30% maximum chance to jam.
On a jam, C2J is reset to 0%, and 7-8 second cooldown before you can fire again.
A jam can be cleared by pressing the firebutton again with a 40% chance to clear instantly, but at the cost of 1 Shell per try. (sound fair, or does it need to be closer to 50%?)
Waiting out the 7-8 second cooldown on a jam, you do not lose a shell.
May need a .25 second delay when the jam starts, so you don't accidentially force a roll of the dice on clearing the jam.
Since the weapon will recieve an 8% chance to jam on its third shot regardless of whether you burst fire the 4th, this is the tricky part because to beat macros the timer would need to check between bursts and reset the burst rolls and heatup down a step after 1.45 seconds and do a full reset after say 2 seconds of no firing .
I dunno though guys, afterall this is going to be one heck of a job for the coder who would have to do all that
Made a small illustration too.
*original post suggestions*
If it were possible to get the UAC changed, which of these would you guys prefer.
I came up with 6 reasonable alternatives, so please say which # you like or if you prefer it how it is.
1. Give UAC-5 its own internal heat regulation per weapon, allow it to fire a minimum of 2 shots before internal heat starts to roll the dice on jamming mechanic. Start at 0% chance for jam on first 2 shots, each shot after the first 2 adds 8-10% chance to jam with a maximum of 25% chance to jam. On a jam, C2J is reset to 0%, and 4 second cooldown before you can fire again.
2. Give UAC-5 a toggle mode via keybind, or as alternative code when its set to chainfire.
MODE 1 = Fixed rate of fire 1 shot every 1.4 - 1.45 seconds (slightly faster than AC-5)
MODE 2 = Burst fire (similar to suggestion 1) Allow first 2 shots always, every shot after that increases chance to jam by 8-10% with a maximum 25% chance to jam. On jam, reset C2J, 4 second cooldown to clear jam.
3. Give UAC-5 a full auto spindown mechanic, remove jam mechanic, start off at 0.8 shots per second (midpoint between AC-2 and AC-5), and on a curve, slow down the rate of fire until its at 1 shot every 5 seconds, give it a 5 second cooldown before its at fullspeed again.
4. Give UAC-5 a full-auto spinup, remove jam mechanic, starting at 1 shot every 2.5 seconds, and on a curve, speed up its ROF and multiply its heat to match over the course of say.. 4-5 seconds? Each time you let go of the firebutton, the ROF resets to 1 shot per 2.5seconds and starts the spinup fresh.
5. Give UAC-5 Fixed rate of fire, remove jam mechanic, midpoint between AC-2 and AC-5, say 1 second per shot, with heat at 1.5ish? to start?
6. Give UAC-5 its old stats back, remove jam mechanic, 3 shot burst with cone of fire spread slightly at 2 heat per shot, with 5 second cooldown. (similar in function to LBX mechanic) (dps will match Gauss roughly, but with inaccuracy because of spread)
Edited by Mister D, 10 February 2014 - 09:25 AM.