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The Etiquette Of "gg"

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#1 NextGame


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 02:11 AM

Reading some conflicting opinions in another thread, I was curious about what people's thoughts are around seeing people write gg at the end of the game.

Personally when I see it at the end of a round, I find it a bit obnoxious when it's coming from someone on the winning team. Perhaps it comes from being somewhat of a sore loser, however I don't see any need to agree/accept that a game was "good" in a defeat, regardless of how close the score might have been. I also refrain from attributing "gg" in victory as I think that rubbing it in is poor form.

As a point of note, when I check it is 9/10 times first said by someone from the winning team, which to me confirms the psychology behind that thinking.

Others on the other hand think that it is some kind of universal display of sportsmanship.

What I have seen starting recently is people on a winning team say gg in team chat instead of global, which is cool beans with me.

What are people's thoughts on the appropriate manner and circumstances under which "gg" should be said at the end of a round?

#2 Craig Steele


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 02:18 AM

View PostNextGame, on 03 February 2014 - 02:11 AM, said:

Reading some conflicting opinions in another thread, I was curious about what people's thoughts are around seeing people write gg at the end of the game.

Personally when I see it at the end of a round, I find it a bit obnoxious when it's coming from someone on the winning team. Perhaps it comes from being somewhat of a sore loser, however I don't see any need to agree/accept that a game was "good" in a defeat, regardless of how close the score might have been. I also refrain from attributing "gg" in victory as I think that rubbing it in is poor form.

As a point of note, when I check it is 9/10 times first said by someone from the winning team, which to me confirms the psychology behind that thinking.

Others on the other hand think that it is some kind of universal display of sportsmanship.

What I have seen starting recently is people on a winning team say gg in team chat instead of global, which is cool beans with me.

What are people's thoughts on the appropriate manner and circumstances under which "gg" should be said at the end of a round?

"GG" has a few meanings I think, but generally I agree with your view here.

In some games it signals the "surrender" of a team, so its pretty much exclusively loser offers first in those.

If I win, I say GG after anyone on the other team has, if I lose it's a way of congratulating the winners on their victory.

#3 Sembrin


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 02:18 AM

I think Piranha needs to seriously get its act in gear if this is the kind of stuff being discussed.

That said, the only thought I've ever had about GG is I dislike seeing it when a game is completely 1 sided, even if it's my own teammate after we completely crush the other team. We won 12-1, and that was a good game? No, no it wasn't.

But I see far far more objectionable stuff said, so who the heck cares.

#4 Blood Rose


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 02:26 AM

If I win I say it. If I lose I say it. Provided it has been a good game, i say it.

#5 PhoenixFire55


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 02:27 AM

If its a close game played well by everybody, no cowards, defectors, afk'ers, D/C's then I'll type a 'GG' in general chat regardless of if we won or not.

If its a roflstomp and we won then I'll type a 'GG' in team chat because they did well and its not their fault other team was inept and/or matchmaker fubar-ed again.

#6 Zerberoff


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 02:29 AM

There is a different when you say GG in RL like at Sport or here within an Online Game.
In RL after the Match ends and the Person who won the game says "good game" you can see his Face and rate his statement as a truely statement (or not).
In Onlinegames you cant see your counterpart and it will always have a bitter taste when you hear it from the winning team first after an 12-1 or worse Match.
I think people should go inside themself and think about "Was this game good enought to say -gg- as the winning team, or should i wait for the others to say it first?"

#7 Curccu


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 02:38 AM

Usually I say that when game was good / challenging, but have to admit I say it also as a sarcastic comment when game ends by fast'ish cap which enemy isn't even trying to defend.

#8 Reitrix


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 02:57 AM

I will always call 'GG' to everyone. Even in a 12 - 0, It was a 'good game' such that i enjoyed it. Even if I'm on the losing side, i'll GG at match end, because regardless of the outcome, i enjoyed the game. Whats wrong with that?

#9 dario03


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 02:59 AM

I think its drastically over used. Since people have different uses for it, it gets posted in almost every match no matter what the outcome is.
I only say it if I think it really was a very good game. Not just a close game but a so close you're not sure who is going to win until the game is actually over. Basically the match needs to be special in some kind of way. And when I do say it I try to say it before the match is over so if I win it doesn't sound like I'm rubbing it in (which is what it gets used for a lot online).

#10 JuiceKeeper


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 03:03 AM

I use it when its gg which for me means I had good fight/fights doesnt really matter if my team won or lost. I dont like when people use it after winning with pure stomp, when loosing team did like 100 dmg that I find that little bit insulting towards the other side.

#11 Veranova


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 03:07 AM

The only objectionable variant of GG's use I think, is the small group of "GG Close" competitive players who routinely rofl-stomp pugs.

For me, I put GG if I had a fun game, regardless of whether it was 12-11 or 12-2
If everyone on their team put up a good fight, but was ultimately crushed because of our superior positioning, it's often the luck of the draw in pugs. Two equally as skilled and weighted teams can fight, and end 12-2 quite easily, just from small mistakes on one teams side.
Landslides are common in this game because of the mechanics, not because of big skill differences.

So tl;dr:
GG means I had a fun game, and is a thanks to the other team for putting up a good fight, regardless of the kill numbers.

Edited by Veranova, 03 February 2014 - 03:08 AM.

#12 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 03:18 AM

I think we should look at the worst of the stompers out there. Its standard for them to GL&HF at the start then wipe out the other team and do GG or GG close at the end. They have pretty much turned it into an insult for everyone.

Not recognizing it and /or making excuses does not change anything in how its used.

If and when it was hard fought I may GG my teamates win or lose but not global. Rather though I say nice try or good effort.

We know its being used as an insult by many so why would you want to be lumped in with them?

#13 Mycrus


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 03:21 AM

So on topic, how exactly does a "gg" balance a pug stomping?

#14 CheeseThief


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 03:22 AM

I have had a few occasions where I've had a great game that left me me on the edge of my seat, at which I would type 'GG' in the chat.

The team would group up and find the enemy, at which point I would heroically charge over the hill with the team actually following me. The resulting brawl would be truly epic, surrounded by lasers and missiles and exploding mechs in an epic all in shootout to the death. It would end with me damaged yet still alive and loaded with adrenalin, I would plug GG into the chat because it was epic.

Then the final score board would turn up and I would see that all the exploding mechs were on the other team and it was a 12:0 stomp.

I have since stopped wishing people 'GG'.

#15 TyrEol


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 03:28 AM

If it was a good/solid/stomp win and I'm on the winning team then I may gg my team mates in team chat, but not the other team they're likely to feel about as good about being stomped as I do when I'm on the losing side.

If it was genuinely close then win or lose I think it appropriate to say so to the other team.

#16 PhoenixFire55


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 03:39 AM

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 03 February 2014 - 03:18 AM, said:

I think we should look at the worst of the stompers out there. Its standard for them to GL&HF at the start

And whats wrong with that?

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 03 February 2014 - 03:18 AM, said:

then wipe out the other team and do GG or GG close at the end.

A huge difference in fact saying GG and GG close if its a 12-0 stomp.

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 03 February 2014 - 03:18 AM, said:

They have pretty much turned it into an insult for everyone.

One always chooses what insults him and what not. If I say a certain person is a fool most people will be rightfully insulted. Yet there are those people who realize they are fools indeed (nothing wrong with that) and thus they'll pay no heed to such comment. If somebody says a 'Good Game' most people shouldn't and wouldn't be insulted. Only people who might be insulted by this (in my opinion) are people who are sore losers and can't stand when somebody is just far better then they are at some sort of activity.

Other thing you should probably know is that a lot of people I know who do 'GG close' are just as frustrated by poor matchmaking and inability to have fun in the game as you are frustrated by their 'GG close' comments. Its obviousely not fun to lose 12-0-GG-close games all the time, but its just as not fun winning those 12-0-GG-close games all the time. The insult (provided it exists) is directed towards devs and game management rather then anyone playing in that match. Sadly the only way to make devs actually work on some problem that exists in the game is through community outrage and 'whine'. If GG-close adds to the general public whining over unbalanced matches then it probably is for the best no matter how stupid this may seem to you at first. No pain no gain.

#17 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 03:44 AM

View PostPhoenixFire55, on 03 February 2014 - 03:39 AM, said:

And whats wrong with that?

A huge difference in fact saying GG and GG close if its a 12-0 stomp.

One always chooses what insults him and what not. If I say a certain person is a fool most people will be rightfully insulted. Yet there are those people who realize they are fools indeed (nothing wrong with that) and thus they'll pay no heed to such comment. If somebody says a 'Good Game' most people shouldn't and wouldn't be insulted. Only people who might be insulted by this (in my opinion) are people who are sore losers and can't stand when somebody is just far better then they are at some sort of activity.

Other thing you should probably know is that a lot of people I know who do 'GG close' are just as frustrated by poor matchmaking and inability to have fun in the game as you are frustrated by their 'GG close' comments. Its obviousely not fun to lose 12-0-GG-close games all the time, but its just as not fun winning those 12-0-GG-close games all the time. The insult (provided it exists) is directed towards devs and game management rather then anyone playing in that match. Sadly the only way to make devs actually work on some problem that exists in the game is through community outrage and 'whine'. If GG-close adds to the general public whining over unbalanced matches then it probably is for the best no matter how stupid this may seem to you at first. No pain no gain.

Wow, twist that logic some more please..

#18 frogczar


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 03:49 AM

Sorry, but GG has turned into an insult. Especially ggclose.

Maybe once in a rare while its meant as you describe, but most of the time it isn't.

The etiquette is now to actually say: That was a close game or What a good game. If you truly mean it.

#19 wanderer


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 03:54 AM

View PostNextGame, on 03 February 2014 - 02:11 AM, said:

What are people's thoughts on the appropriate manner and circumstances under which "gg" should be said at the end of a round?

I'll call a game "GG" when, win or lose, both sides didn't flop horribly.

12-4 or worse, I apologize instead. It is not "GG", it's "Sorry for the stomp" or "Good stomp, we sucked.". If we won, telling the other side it was a good game is mockery, if we lost that badly, we were not good opponents and failed to give the other side a good game to begin with.

#20 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 03:54 AM

Well most often these premades cannot be bothered with the keyboard to communicate with their pugs but they find time to GG and GlHF. Think that's from the goodness of their hearts? Let's be real, We all know what it really means.
If you check the stomp thread look who came right out to defend the practice. -_-

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