Deathlike, on 06 February 2014 - 04:05 PM, said:
3) It seems to screw with targeting other mechs. I almost get the feeling it may have something to do with the target letter assignment code (I've seen it goto R before, and there's only 12 enemy mechs on the field). Even if its not that, I can't "properly" target the enemy mechs because there's no box indicating I'm targeting it as it goes "untargeted" (unfilled red triangle over the target) with no info. I can still get a missile lock on them (was using Streaks at the time), but this is wholly broken behavior.
Had the same 'no target' bug occur during the last 1/3rd of a match on River City. Very unpleasant.
Even when targetting is working, its a pain to try and pick targets when they're amongst their team's turrets. It would be appreciated if we could break the info gathering rules when it comes to turrets, and have them immediately identified as a defense turret when they're targeted, with the normal delay for a detailed readout on their loadout.
And when and if they get their own radar icons, I vote for small dots that don't interfere with team icons. I must confess I can't always tell which way the flock is flowing when we're moving amongst our turrets.