The first advice I can give is to play in a group. We usually play a light lance, and we're gotten pretty efficient at it. About 70% of the time our lance is the main damage dealer.
Here's our game plan:
Skirmish: Try to get behind the enemy, find the stragglers who got left behind. Usually LRM boats (love the new trial stalkers...killing those is like playing easy mode) If we manage to find some lone wolfs, usually others start coming back to help. We stay until we can eat 'em up OR retreat back some more behind enemy lines, and pick off the mechs that come to follow us. If it's too many to handle, the we get out, try to relocate to the other flank, and kill/harrass the enemies there. All this is good, since we usually got quite a few enemy mechs distracted, so the fight on the main line should be ballanced, or tipped in our favor. The rest is up to the PUGs. When we cleaned out the back, we go and support our team. The worst thing that can happen, is that our other two lances get wiped out, while we're having fun in the back....but like i said, that's up to the pugs. If they decide to push too early, or simply can't play, we're doomed anyway.
Assault: almost the same tactics that we use in skirmish, with the advantage of going for the cap if needed. If you do this one of two thing can happen:
-The enemies start pouring back to defend, giving a chance for our team to push and crush. We get the hell out of dodge, but by that time the base has lost a lot of points, so even though we're not there, the enemy will probably post 1 or 2 guards at the base, making the job of our big guys on the front easier. Especially since we're now heading there to help them.
-The enemies start to push on our base. This happens if they're closer to our base, or they're idiots, and ignore the cap. In this case we have to go back, and start harassing them/picking them off OR stay there and do a full cap - we only do this if our team is losing by 4-5 kills. I don't think it's fun to stand on a base and cap it, but it's still better than losing right? Of course you have to deal with the negative comments
These assault/skirmish tactics work on most maps. There are some exceptions though. The best example would be HPG manifold. That maps is just too small to flank them/get behind them most of the time (It can be done, just not as easy as on other maps)
Conquest: This game mode differs in a lot. Our primary task is to cap points. We move together as lights. If we get overrun, we get outta there, and find a different point. On the way we engage targets of opportunity, but try to stay focused on capping. This is true for the first half of the game. On the second half things might change depending on how we stand with points and kills. We might continue capping, or we could just go hunt the enemies. We could even split up to cover more points. Sometimes you don't need to cap, just neutralize.
Conquest is always more fun than the other modes, because you never know whats gonna happen.
I found these tactics to work, of course there are many situations that require the lance to improvise, and execute on the fly. Fast and synchronized. The more you play together, the natural it comes:
I can't really give you advice when playing alone, your chances of survival are a lot smaller of you follow the above tactics. You will be much less of a damage dealer, and a lot more of a harasser, supporter. It's not worth to go head to head against another light (except if you can see that he's not that good of a pilot) Instead try to lure enemies back to your team. Make sure that they can handle it, if they are already getting hit by enemy fire, try to lure enemies away instead. The more experienced the pilot, the less you can lure them. (but keep in mind that everyone can go berserk...even i find myself going after one annoying mech, and kill him, or die trying. sh*t happens

General tasks:
UAV - if the enemy is moving together in a tight formation, just run into the middle of if, and drop a UAV. Good for XPing, and even better to relay info.
Arty/Airstrike - You have the speed to get to a place where they don't expect you. Get behind them, with a nice view, wait for them to tighten up and drop it...take your time.
Spotting/taging - a light (preferably with ecm) behind enemy lines can be very very can be far away to spot, or go a little closer to tag.
Some people said that lights should hunt down enemy lights, and defend our tema against them. That's just not true. We have mediums for that task, armed with streaks and a lot of lasers. Yes, you're gonna run into lights if you follow the tactics described above. And most of the times you're gonna have to finish them off. This takes time (it usually takes as long as taking down an atlas), Engage if you have to, but don't follow him back to his team, you're gonna get shredded) You should always be aggressive, keep pressure on the enemy, but do it smart.
Really liked this, because it's true most of the time

Ghost Badger, on 06 February 2014 - 12:21 PM, said: of it this way. 80% of the time, skill being equal...
Light = Rock
Medium = Paper
Heavy/assault = scissors
You don't bring a rock to beat a rock. You bring paper. Then you take the rock and bash the scissors in the ass repeatedly.
Edited by JaniTheWeedman, 20 February 2014 - 08:15 AM.