RFMG567, on 06 February 2014 - 01:48 PM, said:
Section A) Dealing with gameplay inbalance
That's your opinion, I think everyone has their own approach to how they would "solve" balance at this point, and those approaches are as varied as it comes.
Regarding highlanders, I think they are fine as they are, but I don't care to play them either, so they can resize them to be 3x the size, and half their armour & speed for all I care.
mechs not using all tonnage should go a bit faster
This, and other ideas, have been asked for consistently in the past, but PGI aren't interested.
Being supportive of the developers at PGI.
I remember reading recently that the developers at PGI felt like they were under-appreciated with their efforts to develop this game.
I remember reading recently the implication that PGI had no intention of starting work on community warfare until they got their microsoft license renewed, so had been stringing the community on all along.
I remember reading that community warfare and other features were coming within 90 days several times.
Get on message, and deliver on time and you will see the community's attitude change, theyve deserved the flak they have received for 2013 due to ghost heat, the 3pv 180 decision, leading people on, and not delivering anything worthwhile.
2014 has been encouraging at least, in that something has finally been delivered in line with a deadline, although UI2 doesn't look like something that has taken a year to develop in terms of the lack of thought that has gone into its layout, so we will have to wait and see if they can keep it up (looking at you, DX11 in March).
I don't blame them, whenever PGI develop a new patch, mech, idea, whatever, we always have the same vocal ones trashing their new content, saying this sucks, that sucks, whinge whinge.
Hell is other people, no matter what route is chosen, someone will not be happy. That's life.
Here's what I want to say:
1) Development of this game currently revolves around new content, suggested content, new ideas and feedback. If you're going to be unsupportive and not offer new ideas or constructive criticism, then in the politest way I tell you, take a hike.
The community feel, in general, collectively ignored by PGI and milked as a cash cow for no return of effort on PGI's part. This started at the end of closed beta. Things have been improving in 2014, and yes we should recognise and welcome that, however my impression is that we as a community are not yet ready to go back to giving them a free ride.
2) Your words have a big effect on people. These people at PGI have grown up taking an interest in video game development, they spend lots of hard work doing what they like to do best - creating a compelling and awesome online game. Your negativity actually affects others, negativity which is completely uncalled for. Think of how long it takes to build a house, and how easily it is to knock the house down. In the same way, a lot of support and positive feedback will go a long way. Keep it up those of you who are constantly supporting the developers.
Actions speak louder than words, and it's a 2 way street, between customer and a developer over an incomplete product. You seem to keep forgetting that.
3) Complaining about overpowered mechs more or less forces them to nerf said mechs to try and keep you happy. Like I said, your complaining will have a negative effect on this game. Now having said that, I know that a lot of you new people (or ones that have been around a while) are sick and tired of being on the receiving end of overpowered builds - which is fair enough - but at the end of the day, you either decide to complain or offer some constructive feedback.
There is too much complaining over nothing, especially people who can't handle a defeat or 2 and choose to blame anything but themselves.