This is going to be a long post but hopefully it is worth your while.
Section A) Dealing with gameplay inbalance
Yesterday one of my friends shared this link with my guildmates and I:
Paul Inouye: "Sitting across from the studio from me is a board with all the 'Mechs on it. In my crosshairs... the Highlander. More info to follow along with intended implementation date. Just giving you all a heads up."
Now, I love my Highlanders as much as the next guy, but I think this is getting a bit silly.
(Not pointing the finger at you Paul)
Obviously, Highlanders and Victors are pretty much the most powerful mechs in the game because of the current meta. Instead of nerfing these mechs that are overpowered, why not buff the mechs that aren't powerful enough? Because here's the thing, people are always going to complain that ~this~ mech over here is to powerful and ~that~ mech needs to be nerfed... what is going to happen as a result is PGI is going to have to let up and nerf some builds, and then nerf some other ones, and then when we have a new set of top mechs, those will be nerfed too... if this keeps happening, we will end up with a bland game. Each mech will lose their identity if we strip away the things that are unique about them.
What needs to happen is that PGI needs to create more quirks/identity in the mechs that are 'underpowered', so to speak, so that they can all match each other evenly.
I have had a few ideas about what we could add to the game to give underpowered mechs a fairer match against the meta mechs:
1) Have a logical way of calculating the amount of armour and the distribution of armour (I'm getting red squiggly lines under "armour" as I write this - you Americans/Canadians folk spell "armour" funny

To do this, you would calculate the surface area of a mechs body, compare it with the rest of the other mechs, and work out which mechs should have more than others (obviously smaller mechs will have less, I'm talking about mechs that are similar size and weight but have varying surface areas). Then, on each mech, distribute armour amongst the different arms, legs, torso etc. according to the ratio of surface area distribution.
2) Invent some new modules that can be only fitted on certain (underpowered) mechs. I've had a few ideas tossing around:
- A "Jump Jet Mount" module, which can be bought for [X-million C-Bills], which is attached to the legs only. It takes up 2 hardpoints on each leg, weighs a total of 2 tons and you can mount one jump jet on each leg.
- An "ECM Computer Mount" module which can be bought for [X-million C-Bills], which can be attached to either side torso. You would be able to toggle which side you would like the Computer Mount on. It takes up 4 hardpoints, weighs 0.5 tons, and you can install an ECM on the mount.
3) Install movement quirks on certain underpowered mechs so they become more maneuverable. Not sure which mechs I'd put them on, but does anyone remember the Mad Dog and Summoner from Mechwarrior 4?
(They are NOT called Vultures and Thors...

You could torso twist 360 degrees.
4) Weight difference affects speed. Each engine is designed to make a specific weight go a specific speed.
But what happens if you've got some tonnage left over? Surely if the mech you've got, say for example, a Jagermech, isn't at maximum tonnage, surely the engine would be able to make the mech run a little bit faster?
If I load my car chock-full of stuff, it goes slower and requires a heavier foot on the accelerator. But if I take my belongings out of it, it's no longer holding maximum capacity, and it can go a bit quicker. See my point?
5) Get rid of ghost heat. It is a botched nerf implemented to control the meta and the weapon boating in this game. Instead of having ghost heat to tone down the presence of these things, why not make the temperature of different maps have an effect on the heat of a mech? I've noticed that if I jump in a certain mech and fire a PPC on Terra Therma and Alpine Peaks, the heat generation is pretty much the same. What needs to happen is that the map's temperature needs to affect the % of heat generated by a weapon, and then compromise with the heat dissipation to get the rate of the cooldown. Once again, there is no need for ghost heat. Firing an alpha of the same weapons creates enough heat by itself.
These are some ideas to make mechs balance by buffing the underpowered ones rather than nerfing the overpowered ones. We all need to think about changing the way we thing about balancing gameplay if we want to make the game better.
Nerfing overpowered builds is the wrong way of fixing it, buffing underpowered builds is the right way to go.

I remember reading recently that the developers at PGI felt like they were under-appreciated with their efforts to develop this game.
I don't blame them, whenever PGI develop a new patch, mech, idea, whatever, we always have the same vocal ones trashing their new content, saying this sucks, that sucks, whinge whinge.
Here's what I want to say:
1) Development of this game currently revolves around new content, suggested content, new ideas and feedback. If you're going to be unsupportive and not offer new ideas or constructive criticism, then in the politest way I tell you, take a hike.
2) Your words have a big effect on people. These people at PGI have grown up taking an interest in video game development, they spend lots of hard work doing what they like to do best - creating a compelling and awesome online game. Your negativity actually affects others, negativity which is completely uncalled for. Think of how long it takes to build a house, and how easily it is to knock the house down. In the same way, a lot of support and positive feedback will go a long way. Keep it up those of you who are constantly supporting the developers.
3) Complaining about overpowered mechs more or less forces them to nerf said mechs to try and keep you happy. Like I said, your complaining will have a negative effect on this game. Now having said that, I know that a lot of you new people (or ones that have been around a while) are sick and tired of being on the receiving end of overpowered builds - which is fair enough - but at the end of the day, you either decide to complain or offer some constructive feedback.
Two hours after having begun writing this message, I shall get straight to the point of writing this message. I am writing this in hope that people will change the way they think about this game, because it is headed in the wrong direction. Do you focus on the flaws of your friends, or look at the good in them? Why is it that we remember bad actions and decisions for ages, but we are quick to forget the good things they do?
We need to stop looking at nerfing the overpowered mechs, and instead look at those mechs which desperately need buffs. If we focus on the negative, it will affect the game in a negative way. We need to encourage and support PGI and not bring them down - after all, these are people like me and you, who have feelings like you and I. Besides, they've brought out one of the best darn games of recent times and should be applauded for their efforts.
Stay positive people! If you agree with this message, please hit the "like this" button and share it amongst your fellow Mechwarrior friends.
Don't forget to add your ideas and constructive criticism below
Oh and thanks for reading this message