627, on 07 February 2014 - 04:51 PM, said:
In MY opinion, the stalker is a bad mech for new players. Doesn't mean bad in general.
yes to learning curve. yes to complex systems. But if you do this you need some kind of tutorial for it. or warning signs, whatever. But you can't just toss them in there and expect to learn it by themselves. make the mech easier to understand. change the loadout or change the way how you get to it.
Imho loadout change is easier than making up new tutorials.
And one thought on the new players. we need every single one. getting new users is the most critical task for every free to play game. But that is not the topic here.
I agree 100% with you. I just think using hyperbole and anecdotal evidence can harm more than it can help. It's not going to affect PGI, they have the real factual data to use, so stuff like "Every game ends in a stomp" doesn't affect them and they know better. What it DOES hurt is the perception of new players. If every single game ended in a stomp I'd be one of the first ones standing up with a pitchfork. If I really felt this game was slanted against new players I'd do the same.
I've posted MANY times in feature suggestions on how I would improve the new player experience as well as retention.
Things like Solaris Training Academy, where all cadets drop in their own queue with veterans are approved (kinda like community volunteers) to drop with them in trial mechs and offer advice and tips and strategies and how to spend that first bundle of cash they get to help avoid the buyer's remorse. Help explain things (unbiased) like ghost heat without the added "Ghost heat sucks, you should post on the forums about it"
Also adding in daily login rewards. New and free players could earn 5MC or so for logging in and playing a match. That leads to a free mech bay per month or once they have a couple of those they can save up for a hero mech. It encourages players to login and play as well as creates more of a microtransaction market. If I save for 3 months I have 450 MC, I can buy another 500 and purchase that color or camo I want, etc.
wanderer, on 07 February 2014 - 05:14 PM, said:
And highsec so you don't see newbies totally predated on by experienced players, even if the rewards aren't as grand for doing stuff in them.
Which is exactly why I think new players should have their own queue while going through their cadet bonus