CyclonerM, on 06 April 2014 - 03:46 AM, said:
More or less all the Clan Omnies look like true war machines, that is why i love them compared to IS 'Mechs

True, but most of them style have a "alien" look's who wich is pretty nice. Is really different from what I personatly wait from "pure military" mech.
Just take a look at the "StormCrow", that mech is badass, same for the Adder, or the Dire Wolf, but they have "outside" feeling. Maybe it's the angled cockpit.
I prefer the Mad Dog because he is much more "rectangular" than most of the other mech.
Yes there is some IS mech who are also very rectangular, but who are "too much".
There's the list of the Mech I like because of there nice rectangular look:
Avatar (tought I don't really like the non-symetrical stuff with the arm.)
Urbanmech (that one is off-category, but fùck you! It's a Urbanmech!

Mad Dog.
CyclonerM, on 06 April 2014 - 03:46 AM, said:
I could agree. It looks a bit more like a vulture, quiaff?

Aff', but your not gonna fall into the IS Name trap don't you?

You don't want to see me angry quiaff?