Not really we initially had CryTek engineers out on site for training purposes and we have ongoing support from them. The simple fact of life that alters our relationship with CryTek is the time zone difference from Germany to Vancouver. Often times it is faster for us to simply dig into the code than to wait for support ticket responses, this is something CryTek are working to address for their international partners with more global support offices.
When it comes to working closely along side them for certain systems this again is significantly hampered by the time difference so collaborating with their team is not as straight forward for us meaning that often the choice we make that may be different for some other team is to take ownership of systems ourselves and drive them forwards internally.
Also sometimes the reality is just that we're not on the same release schedule, CryTek determine their own release schedule and it doesn't always match up with what we want to do and our goals for MWO a good example is we knew 3.5 would have better DX11 support but didn't have a solid time frame (SoonTM) on it so made the decision to go with 3.4 and fix up the DX11 support so that we can progress and get our users DX11 support (which is now entering final test for release on March 4th).
I'm sorry, but I have a problem with this statement from Matt here.
First off, while you state that you bought the rights to the engine and had support from the start, albeit limited, Crytek has offices in
Chicago Austin with staff to troubleshoot problems in NA, located in
Chicago Austin Texas. You guys are located in Vancouver.
Chicago Austin is in a CST time zone and you guys are PST time zone, a 2 hour difference. So how is this Crytek's fault when you are contacting Germany for support? Because of your limited contract that you have to contact the German office and you cannot reach out to the NA/
Chicago Austin office for support?
Also per Sean's initial post, this contradicts his earlier post in which states PGI "hadn't worked with Crytek or Scaleform technologies". This contradicts your post Matt. So who are we to believe? What are we to believe? And how can we believe PGI's words when you have in the past said "That was our position at the time, and now this is..."
I'm sorry but Sean's statement and your statements do not add up as correct. In order to clarify this, I'm inviting you to come back here and further clarify your statements and as to why you are not using Crytek's NA division offices and only using the offices in Germany. Is it due to your supposed limited support contract you're now saying you had initially from the start? Because again of the conflicting back and forth here, this does not make sense.
EDIT: I would like to apologize for incorrectly not following up on a previous posters information as I was informed earlier that Crytek had offices in Chicago, and that is incorrect. Crytek opened offices in NA/Austin in January 2013 which I did not know of this information. I wish to apologize for this incorrect info. However my questions still stand and I would like to have PGI please come back and answer if they would to further correct and or clarify what they have said so we can get the truth.
Edited by Tice Daurus, 23 February 2014 - 10:00 AM.