Thank you for the reviews - I now have a "use R" post it stuck to my monitor :-)
I definetely agree with the fact that the two flankers had their way with us there. Sadly, this is a little bit what PUGs are about - had there been not two, but four flankers (a lance), I am sure we would have lost the match. But, alas.
Originaltibs: thank you for the number crunching. For now, I have given up on the LBX - simply for financial reasons. I do plan to make an LBX mech once I have the funds.
Meanwhile, I have made 5 mills and have the atlas DDC in the garage. I really like the mech concept. And I like how people tend to group up with an Atlas - hardly any other mech in the game has this nice crowd control bonus.
So for now, I am fiddling around with builds. I am positive that I want a "protector" build. Basically, I want to be an EMS/AMS batman style mech with something to do at every range. What do you guys think about this build?
The LRM gives me something to do in those early game stand offs where people feel each other out. The two large lazzors and the AC20 lets me be nasty at medium to short distance. The idea is to take a flank, have a few guys grouped with me and slowly move forward and press on the enemy - all while offering the team ECM/AMS. Alternatevely, I can just sit in the middle of the team, let the ECM/AMS work and hit the LRM button whenever something pops up on map. When the big clustercluck starts I am on the frontline or second line making holes with the lasers and the AC20.
The armor is toned down (too much?) and I am not at all sure how the heat will be on this guy. Comments?
Edited by Aahzmandeus, 22 March 2014 - 09:37 AM.