Agent 0 Fortune, on 10 March 2014 - 08:42 AM, said:
The exceptions being
- You will face opponents of more similar skill level (hard Elo boundaries)
- You can’t do it in 6+ assaults
- You sync dropping will eventually move you to the highest Elo bracket, away from the newer and more casual players.
1. And? But? So? Therefore?
2. Again, So? We don't care what we drop in, as long as we're dropping together. 3 of my friends are in assaults, well, I take a heavy to round out the 4th. 4 Player group is filled and I'm trying to sync with them, so I bring a heavy, medium, light, whatever is needed to assure that we can be in a drop together. Most everyone I play with have at least a dozen mechs of various weight classes, many have several dozen. You seem to think that all the Evil Premades who want to play together want to bring a Steiner Scout Lance, when the reality is, may of us are MUCH better outside the Assault Class.
3. Again, So? The object isn't to ROFLSTOMP PUGS, the object is to play with the largest number of friends possible. If the number of friends online is 7, I should be able to play with 7, if the number is 5, I should be able to play with 5, and I should be able to build my group until it reaches the max allowable of 12.
Agent 0 Fortune, on 10 March 2014 - 08:42 AM, said:
Agent 0 Fortune, on 10 March 2014 - 08:42 AM, said:
YUP! I don't care if I get beat by my betters occasionally. I was raised during a time when not everyone got trophies, where the winning team wasn't gimped by having to put in 3rd stringers so the loosing team wouldn't feel bad, and the final score wasn't deflated by that fact.
Agent 0 Fortune, on 10 March 2014 - 08:42 AM, said:
Nope, make the queue optional for those PUGs with testicular fortitude who wish to fill the ranks of group play able to do so. The rest can reside in the mamby-pamby queue where everything is evenly balanced and they can live with their ~50% W/L ratio.