DaZur, on 11 March 2014 - 01:57 PM, said:

There's a big difference between a corporation skimping on safety to skim the bottom line and a company establishing multiple parallel profit vehicles to maximize revenue.
Difference is one is unconscionable when you place profit above safety. The other only become an irritation when some social-entitlement Kool-Aid drinker determines that the companies net profits is stifling their freedom...
Social entitlement kool aid drinker.. i like it.. kinda like the corporation kool aid drinker that believes any tall tale they are told from the suits.. like Elder scrolls online NEEDING a monthly subscription... and a cash shop... and a 60 dollar upfront buy price... or that private matches somehow cause more traffic and costs then normal matches.. despite the fact that theres no hightened traffic.. 24 people playing a match is still only 24 people playing a match.. private or not.
But what can i say.. i learned from the best here on the board! You dont hang around these forums without picking up the rediculus from the black and the white crowd.
Ofcourse its completly different, but can be excused by using your logic all the same, after all you didnt define where that silly excuse ends to begin with. What i wanted to show with this outragous example is that companies should not be tolerated to do whatever they well please just "because they are a company and companies need to make money!"
They also have to provide incentives for buying their products, and at a reasonable price at that. What we see here is that they monetize functionality that is free in other comparable products, to unreasonable prizes.. and they are not above lowering the value of the product you have bought (as was shown by the earnings nerf last year that lowered the value of premium time)
They want my money, they better stop screwing around and hold game features ransom. They want to make money? Give me incentives to spend money on their game.. not lock content behind paywalls. Make the game fun and the revenue will come in automatically.. or how come TF2 makes money hand over fist without locking ANY content behind paywalls?
The relationship between customer and company should be one of mutual benefit, i get fun and they get money. But for the longest time now it looks like PGI doesnt care about providing the fun and worries more about how they can empty my wallet.. in short, i feel neither apreciated as a customer nor do i feel any incentive of doing more business with them. Wich is sad since i am more then willing to spend some cash every month or two for a fun product.
So why am i still here hoping against all reason that they will get the idea? Because they pretty much hold one of my most beloved IPs ransom thats why. There wont be any other Mechwarrior game aslong as MWO is around.. so thats what I and everyone else that feels that way have to work with. Ofcourse alot of people have simply given up on the game entirely and it shows.
Edited by Riptor, 12 March 2014 - 03:35 AM.