I just listened to the NGNG podcast with Brian Ekman. Apparently, we're going to be getting class limits instead of tonnage (3 assaults, 3 heavies, 3 mediums, and 3 lights per team). While I welcome any attempts to curtail the overabundance of big-tonnage mechs in the PUG, I'm worried that class limits will ultimately steer players into the upper-tonnage mechs in each class.
The assaults will be all right, I think. The lighter mechs within the class are largely superior to the 100-ton (f)Atlas. But I think we'll still see a lot of the DCC, for obvious reasons. The smallest of the assaults, the Victor at 80 tons, is one of the best mechs in the game. Awesome devotees, whom I have the utmost respect and admiration for, may be in trouble. But you've been taking [REDACTED] for your mech for a long time now, so you're used to it.
Heavies will probably be OK, as well. There is a lot of variety within the class, many solid builds to chose from. From the deceptively-tankish Orion to the meta-obvious 'phract to the dakka-happy jag to the plucky "little" Cat. I think we'll still see plenty of variety among the heavies. The Dragon may become more rare, but frankly I've always thought it was a pretty lousy design, anyway (no offense to any Dragon-bowlers out there!). The Quickdraw is, in my opinion, already even more of a unicorn than the Awesome.
Among the lights, the high-end of the class means Firestarters, Jenners, Ravens, and Spiders. Pretty much all you see anyway, with the little Commandos and Locusts more a curiosity than anything else. So yeah, no big changes there.
I'm worried specifically about the medium class, which is what I've been running lately (so maybe I'm biased, I'll admit). There is such a huge difference between the 55-tonners and the rest of the class. At least there are a lot of 55-tonners to chose from. But what about the rest of the mediums? Will we see less and less of the 40-ton almost-a-light Cicada? The freakishly hard-to-kill, how-the-hell-did-they-shoehorn-an-AC20-into-that-guy's-arm!?!? 50-ton Centurion? Should I mothball my sweet little "pair-o-deuces" 45-ton Blackjack and get comfortable in my admittedly lethal-as-all-hell Shawk, again?
I'm not here to say "the sky is falling" or "this will ruin the game." I know we'll have to wait and see how this all plays out before making any real judgements. I also believe, as I said earlier, that any step toward limiting the number of big-mechs on the field is ultimately a step in the right direction. I just wanted to express my concerns and see what the community at large thinks.
Thanks and good hunting.
Edited for grammar and clarity.
Edited by Tycho von Gagern, 26 February 2014 - 09:16 PM.