Joseph Mallan, on 03 March 2014 - 03:11 AM, said:
You say this like you cannot win without those Mechs! I don't use the above Mechs, not cause I don't like 'em but because I get better results in other rides.
before this gets off tracks let me say this: this is not another "i was killed by x mech nerf this nerf that" thread. my W/L and K/D ratios are fine and even if they werent i still wouldnt cry about it. there are a million other games out there i can go and play. i dont run meta builds either but you cant argue that this tactic gives u an edge in the current game state
Trauglodyte, on 03 March 2014 - 09:09 AM, said:
What exactly is your point? This is the way the game has been since last Spring. When the Highlander came out, everything changed. It was already moving in that direction with the Cataphract 3D.
The point of this thread was to express a sadnes that came out after watching that video and maybe have a constructive conversation. (yeah difficult thing in these forums i know).
i m not even arguing that poptarting should be complteley removed. it has a place in the game but it cant be dominant thing. yeah it is like this for a long time and PGI made it even easier with arms torso lock. to make it easier for new players...seriously? i mean new players come in and they dont even bother checking what battletech and mechwarrior has to offer, they just go straight to "poptart config A" or "poptart config B" because thats what they read in the forums and thats what they see in game.
JagdFlanker, on 03 March 2014 - 09:41 AM, said:
that movie obviously looks like 2 competitive 12-man teams playing each other since they'r all using the same tactics and are staying grouped together. i'v been playing 5+ games almost every single day for the last 9 months and that movie is not even CLOSE to my actual daily experience with PUGs. poptarts are only effective against rookies who stand in the middle of the open without cover - if you learn the maps, stay on the move and stay near cover both poptarts and LRMs become a minor to moot threat
i dont know if that was a 12man drop. and even if it was it makes no difference.
Edited by VagGR, 03 March 2014 - 09:57 AM.