No Remorse, on 04 March 2014 - 09:54 AM, said:
There were so many people who whined and complained that people could actually aim and hit their target with these guns that PGI eventually relented and nerfed the weapon. This is when PGI took that fateful step into submitting to every whim of their player base if it meant another dollar. This, of course, led to many more dollars lost in the long run.
As an aside, I played A LOT in closed beta. Do you know what my favourite mech to attack was? The K2, I would search them out and kill them before they had a chance to wreak havoc. I did it with another kitty, my "Whoosh" cat, two LRM 15s and four streaks, purpose built to kill K2's. If the K2 was lucky he would have my pods off before I got to him, but usually my LRMS would mess his aim up so badly he couldn't hit me until I was on top of him. So the K2 was far from the invincible machine everyone claims, you just had to use... what's the word, oh, yeah, TACTICS!
So with their new powers, the "Whiners Club" joined forces and began to complain about EVERY weapon in the game which killed them in game at least twice. PGI began its blitz to balance this game, not matter what the cost. Patch after patch was tweak this, re-tweak that, oops that was overboard, reign that in, now this is too powerful, wait, no it wasn't, it wasn't powerful enough. "Statistics, bah, we don't need statistics to balance things. This is a game! Why would we use complex statistical models when we can just ask our cadre of whiners, oh, I mean our player base?"
Then they turned their attention to the chassis, oh boy, hit box hell began. Do I need to talk about all the posts on hit boxes? Hit box here, hit there, hit boxes are everywhere. Now you have problem with hit registration, most likely to the amount of tampering with the hit boxes of every mech!
Breathe... okay I'm good, back to the point.
The results of all this mess is PGI has allocated so much time and resources on "balancing" these issues that they have failed to produce a single new weapon for the IS, and have no clue as to how to balance Clan tech. New chassis come out which drastically over power current mechs. On top of that, the forums are flooded with the over righteous and highly indignant whiners club who feel justified in complaining over everything! That's my job damn it!
If PGI could have stayed focus on developing the game like adding features instead of over balancing the hell out of it, we might have actually had a great game right now. But we got what we got, take it or leave it, I suggest the latter. This as much PGI's fault as it is the "Whiners Club" of course, this also led the the rise of the dreaded "PGI Defenders"
First, Back in Closed Beta, GaussCats were easy enough to kill, same with SplatCats, StreakCats or BoomCats. All it really took was the ability to aim and you could either Headshot them (which was equally true of Awesome, Centurion, Hunchback), or SideTorso them with ease. Of course, with only 8-9 Chassis and no HSR, if you had a good ping, you were golden. Of course if you were playing from Australia you were screwed...
Secondly, are you aware of the lore? More weapons for the IS? We pretty much have everything available for the IS during the time period, other than an experimental dual-Large Laser, Inferno Missiles, and Mech Artillery...
But if you're whining about Balance/Over-Balance... I shudder to see how the forums would look with Arrow IV, Long-Tom and Infernos in the game...
It's not about new weapons, what we need is AC to become burst weapons, have recoil, and for all weapons to actually be affected by convergence. I still want skill to win out over randomness, but pin-point high-alpha builds are the biggest problem, moreso than 'jump snipers'.
Edited by Monsoon, 06 March 2014 - 12:50 AM.