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Crossfirex Setup That Works Correctly & Sli That Others Have Working

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#81 Oderint dum Metuant


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Posted 01 January 2016 - 12:49 PM

View PostxWiredx, on 01 January 2016 - 11:07 AM, said:

Huh? The stand-alone client still has it available under the gear icon. Not sure how the Steam version is different so I can't really comment.

Because PGI in their usual stupidity made it so you can't run the client from the install folder, you can only run the game via the Mechwarrior Online shortcut Or Steam.

2 Problems with this, One Steam doesn't give you a desktop launcher. Two Steam bypasses the launcher as updates are handled through steam.

Ergo..no repair tool.

#82 lpmagic


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Posted 02 January 2016 - 02:17 PM

yup, means I can't clear my shader cache etc either, and now crimson (AMD) in their infinite wisdom has changed, with the last update, the interface, not making this easier. lol

#83 Raptorman


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Posted 06 January 2016 - 04:14 PM

This is a repost of mine from another thread, but I figured it relevant to add it to her for people searching for this topic.

You will get good scaling using the Crysis 2 profile for Crossfire. However, Shadows will kill your performance. If you're running a Crossfire Setup I'll give you the settings I'm using.

In your user.cfg file add the line "r_MultiGPU = 1"

Using MSI Afterburner, or Sapphire TRIXX disable ULPS.

Now, go to your Crossfire Preferences. Enable Crossfire, and check the box to allow Crossfire in games that do not have an associated profile.

Then, go to your MWO Profile in Radeon Settings. Settings are as follows:

Anti-Aliasing Mode = Use Application Settings
Anti-Aliasing Method = Multisampling
Morphological Filtering = On
Antisotropic Filtering Mode: Override Application Settings
Antisotropic Filtering Level: 16x
Texture Filtering Level: Quality
Surface Format Optimization: On
Wait for VSync = "Your Preference"
OpenGL Triple Buffering: On
Shader Cache: AMD Optimized
Tesselation Mode: AMD Optimized
AMD Crossfire Mode: Use AMD Pre-Defined Profile
AMD Crossfire Profile: Crysis2.exe
Frame Pacing: On
Frame Target Control: Disabled

Now for in game settings.
Resolution your choice, all other options your choice. The key to making this work with minimal stuttering and no fps drops are to turn Shadows to LOW. If you do not turn shadows to low Crossfire will cause serious fps drops in maps such as Forest Colony when you're near water.
My personal settings for Crossfire are all settings on Ultra except Shadows on LOW, Anti-Aliasing FXAA, and I am running at 4k resolution and averaging 75 fps.

Using Radeon Crimson 15.12 I have also had success with no texture flashing using AFR Friendly and AFR Compatible Profiles.

My system is as follows:
Windows 10 64-bit
Intel Core i7 975EE @ 3.8GHz
EVGA X58 SLI Motherboard
Radeon R9 390X Crossifre setup

Hope this helps all struggling with Crossfire setups. Remember - SHADOWS ON LOW.

Edited by Raptorman, 06 January 2016 - 04:28 PM.

#84 Ruediger Steiner


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Posted 25 October 2016 - 12:47 PM

I would be happy if i had a flickery screen with crossfire, but mine isn´t working at all.
Crossfire works fine in the benchmarks and with BF4. So i can play BF4 on ultra, but MWO only on high, cause my CPU is to slow and crossfire isn´t working.
I did everything like discribed. Even created an user.cfg to add the r_MultiGPU = 1. Disabled ULPS. But the second card isn´t active.

Win 10 64bit
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T @4GHz
2 x Radeon R9 290
Crimson 16.9.2

Edited by 44th MAC Battlemaster, 25 October 2016 - 12:47 PM.

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