IraqiWalker, on 08 March 2014 - 08:47 PM, said:
I feel you man. Some people are just
That Guy
I would love to do 40K with you. If you can handle coming all the way to Wisconsin and freezing for a bit. XD.
I got lucky with 40K, a good chunk of my friends play 40K and they are thankfully Douche-free. We could definitely use an Eldar army, they're the only ones we don't have in our group. Or mechanicus, since you can now do a full mechanicus army. (technically 30K, but still viable in 40K)
Man, I played D&D with "THAT GUY"... not fun. Never play with him again. And I got tired of him beating on my characters. (I became the rule monger though, as I got tired of all the slippery rules...)
I have been in two groups with 40k. One was filled with more experienced players, and the cool players left... However, now I'm in another group of new players, and it's been a blast!
I play Tau as my first army, but for 5th edition, I needed a more balanced army (got tired of getting my butt kicked by a single, not a squad, assault marine) I got a rather large space marine army. Now, I'm going Tau and Imperial Guard. I do also own a small Eldar army, but I don't have the new codex...
Models here: (If you are interested in looking at my main hobby.)
Shar Wolf, on 08 March 2014 - 08:53 PM, said:
Some? There are about 6 of them!
Worst bit was when they started explaining their "House Rules" - you thought Clan tech was unbalanced? Just wait till you've seen it "rebalanced" (because higher damage and lower heat are apparently nerfs of some sort)
I've looked into 40k -
way out of my budget - but there is a local group who are at least mostly not "That Guy"
We are getting way off topic though.
I would be telling them, we play by the rules (as best we can), or I don't play at all... Wouldn't be the first group I've done that too. One D&D group, I walked out on because they didn't follow rules at all, and I walked out with my rule book... Did I mention it was the ONLY rule book there?
I've seen people spend more on Magic than I do/have on 40k. It's expensive to get into, but overall it isn't too expensive to continue to play. (Plus, I love to model stuff, so for me I do what I love (modeling), and then I get the fun bonus extra of game play! Double win!) I will admit I've spent a lot of money on Warhammer, but it's been worth it to me for the amount of fun I've had. If you are really interested, can always ask if you can get a demo (borrow someone's army and play a match or two) and see if you are even interested...
(Can always ask for army advice as well if you find out you like it...)
I tend to do coats of paint between MW:O matches...
Wait. There was an actual topic here?
Oh... right. Someone who hasn't even played 25 matches since open beta wants to see if the game is any good, instead of playing and finding out for themselves...
But we are so good at being distracted, and going off topic...