Gyrok, on 13 March 2014 - 03:33 PM, said:
The issue is that close range play has been all but eliminated for quite some time...
By catering to the "sniper" fest they are taking out good game play styles for many that would otherwise use a different play style. I invite you to drop in a match as a single PUG, and watch events unfold...even terrible players sit back at 800m+ trying to "snipe" you will see Raven's with 3xML trying to shoot people at 900m wondering why they do no damage. Additionally, you will see people trying to jump snipe with weapons that are DOT, and you will also see players trying to shoot lights from 600m+ with AC10/AC20 and their rounds land closer to Jimmy Hoffa than they do the light mech.
That is the sad state of this game. New players need to be able to brawl to learn to grasp the mechanics, and they do not get that when experienced players are telling them to run meta jump sniping mechs...they think they need to sit back and play the "die a horrible death trying to jump snipe while hill humping and landing on top of the hill" game...
It is really bad...
FYI I like to play ranged builds, but Gauss needs no further nerfing...PPCs on the other hand...yes...I would even be fine with ghost heat going away if they had a cone that got as big as 50% damage was direct hit to aimed point and 50% was spread within X radius.
I disagree. All "sniper" fest's devolve into brawls. So no, brawling is definitely still in play.
As for the rest of your post. I currently pug almost exclusively. Bads will be bad and new players don't know any better. So the things you described are expected. New players should only be able to play new players for the first 50 matches. That will solve some of the problem with them learning game mechanics. Not changing the game mechanics to aid new players.
Something to think about.
The max pinpoint alpha from 500m-660m (considered long range by some) on a laterally moving target traveling at least 55kph (without incurring ghost heat) is 30points of damage. After 660m it only decreases. The different Projectile travel speeds of AC's, PPC's and Gauss make the chances of hitting the same panel with any combination of these that would exceed 30points of damage on a laterally moving target very unlikely. The farther out, the more unlikely. (Of course there will be that one guy who stands still out in the open trying to line up a shot.. He deserves to take a full pinpoint alpha.)
So, with this in mind. Pinpoint damage only becomes a concern at close range. The closer the target, the less effect different travel times have on the ability to place you alpha into one location.
I had assumed that this was common knowledge to the informed forum poster but it seems that most do not know this or are willfully ignoring it.