Zelthar the mecha wizard, on 21 March 2014 - 04:06 PM, said:
How About the "Wayne Eastwood"?
Left Arm: 2x Ballistic
Right Arm: 2x Ballistic
Left Torso: 1x Energy
Right Torso: 1x Energy, AMS
Center Torso: 1x Missile
Left Arm: 1x AC/5
Right Arm: 1x AC/5
Left Torso: C.A.S.E, Large Laser, 3 tons of AC/5 ammo
Right Torso: Large Laser, C.A.S.E, 1 ton of SRM ammo
Center Torso: XL 275 Engine(maximum XL 330), SRM 6
Left Leg: 2x Jumpjets
Right Leg: 2x Jumpjets
Though, it lends itself far too well to the "(AC+PPC) FLD Poptart Meta" - aside from the Lack of ECM capability, it has no substantial downsides (unless you were planning on very, very restrictive arm & torso movement ranges
and speeds).
Recall, "La Malinche" lost the Jump Jets it was originally supposed to have & "Oxide" ended up with four missile hardpoints instead of six (and a lack of Jump Jets) because PGI is apparently (overly?) weary of offering a Hero 'Mech with too much/too many advantages over its non-Hero brethren (the 8.9 kph difference between the proposed 330 Engine limit for the "Wayne Eastwood" and the 360 Engine limit for the other QKDs is effectively insignificant).
"Wayne Eastwood", as originally proposed, is arguably far too much of an ideal 'Mech for PGI to implement as a Hero 'Mech.
Consider this alternative take:
- Tonnage: 60
- Engine: 240 XL
- Top Speed: 64.8 kph
- Max Engine Rating: 290
- Armor: 324 (Ferro-Fibrous)
- Internal Structure: Standard
- Torso Movement:
- 80 degrees to each side.
- 20 degrees up and down.
- Arm Movement:
- 35 degrees to each side.
- 40 degrees up and down.
- Weapons & Equipment:
- Left Arm: AC/5
- Left Torso: ASRM-6
- Center Torso: 2 Medium Pulse Lasers
- Right Torso: ASRM-6
- Right Arm: AC/5
- Hardpoints:
- Left Arm: 1 Ballistic
- Left Torso: 1 Missile, 1 AMS
- Center Torso: 2 Energy
- Right Torso: 1 Missile
- Right Arm: 1 Ballistic
- Heat Sinks: 11 Double
- Jump Jets: 0 (0 Max)
- ECM Capable?: No
- Module Slots: 2
- Movement Archetype: Large
- Quirks: 10% higher arm twist speed, 5% lower torso twist speed.
- 30% C-Bill Bonus
While substantially more heavily-armored than its counterparts and toting the dual AC/5s of the original proposal, the placement of the Energy hardpoints in the CT prevents the 'Mech from mounting PPCs and the 'Mech is not jump-capable (in addition to being significantly slower).
Moreover, the bonus to the arm speed and the wider arm movement range (identical to that the
QKD-4G) and the penalty to the torso speed and the lower torso range (slightly below those of the
QKD-4H and
QKD-5K) emphasize the "gunslinger" idea behind the design (though, dual ASRMs plus dual MPLs should provide a fair amount of hurt for anything that does stand in front of it).
The "Large"
movement archetype is the same as that of the other QKDs.
IMO, this offers a far more even-handed give-and-take than the original proposal.