Roadkill, on 11 March 2014 - 02:29 PM, said:
Which is dumb, of course. ECM should not counter TAG on the firing Mech at all because the information is not being broadcast in any way. It should only counter a teammate's use of your TAG, and then only when you are within the ECM bubble.
Right. Then again, we're also dealing with grandfathered changes. TAG was originally 450m (from TT) but extended to help out LRM boats against all of the ECM carriers and was given the ability to Counter Tag. But, because PGI didn't want TAG countering Lights carrying ECM, they made it so that the 180m bubble always topped TAG. It was, at the time, checks and balances.
But, later on, they decided to allow BAP to counter ECM, which kind of makes sense in a weirdo sort of way, but never made the change to TAG. If they didn't make the change on purpose, it was probably to force people to carry two means of counter ECM for some reason that I can't figure. If they didn't make the change by accident, it was because, and this happens in a lot of games, they simply forgot what changes were made prior and never made the adjustments.
BTW, they still haven't fixed PPCs and ECM. If mech A is carrying ECM and gets hit with a PPC, the ECM is countered for 4ish seconds. If mech A is carrying ECM, while in the ECM bubble of mech B, and it it gets hit with ECM, it maintains the 2nd ECM bubble. And, if mech A isn't carrying ECM, while it is in the ECM bubble of mech B, and it gets hit with a PPC, it maintains the ECM bubble. So, it is a kind-of, sort-of, only sometimes depending on the situation counter to ECM.
stjobe, on 11 March 2014 - 02:38 PM, said:
Indeed, how would an ELECTRONIC counter measure device stops a laser beam (which is what the TAG is)? It should most definitely not stop TAG benefiting the TAGging 'mech itself, even if it stops the transmitting of target data to other 'mechs.
The TAG interaction with ECM is a weird one. TAG is nothing more than a laser range finder. In modern day, a laser range finder, when used with "smart" munitions, bases its current position on the internal GPS and then uses the laser to calculate the location of the target based on an internal compass. ECM is a radar static cloud that prevents sensors from picking up data but the TAG should always work to know where it is and where it is going. But, any information sent to missiles should fail once they go into the static cloud because, of course, information cannot be transmitted into it. Then again, PGI is getting around this by assuming that the calculation of heading and speed is good enough for the missiles so that they move to where the target is predicted. With us using lock ons and such, it is better to just say that it counters ECM and leave it at that instead of actually making it work like it would in real life.
It is enough to make your head hurt if you think on it long enough.
Khobai, on 11 March 2014 - 05:07 PM, said:
nope its not. shooting a laser at a stealth aircraft doesnt make it anymore detectable to radar. in tabletop ecm has no effect on tag and tag has no effect on ecm. all tag is really used for is designating targets for semi-guided lrms and arrow IV missiles.
Well, that shows what you actually know about stealth and how it works. The material used on stealth aircraft, along with the angles at which it is built, are designed to bounce radar into opposing directions and, thereby, dilute and break up it's radar signature to the point where either the system doesn't pick it up, due to age, or to make it so small that it appears as nothing more than a flock of birds. But, stealth doesn't make the aircraft impregnable as a few F-117s were lost in Yugoslavia due to SAMs and one to ground based small arms fire. If I shoot at it with a laser range finder (TAG), it is going to tell me the heading of the target, if I keep the beam on it long enough, and the distance from me to the target.
And, once again, PGI designed ECM, lock ons, TAG, etc to reflect current combat interactions. Missiles require tones like a fighter aircraft would use. ECM blocks the radar just like AWACs would do. And, we have systems which break through the ECM just like modern combat units use. Checks and balances.
Willard Phule, on 12 March 2014 - 03:10 AM, said:
OHO! I get it then. So, my BAP cancels out the squirrel I'm chasing since I have to be within his bubble for it to work. Once I'm in his bubble, the tag doesn't work at all. And since I can't mount multiple BAPs, there's no counter to this. Nice.
Multiple BAPs won't help just like ECM in counter mode + BAP won't counter two ECMs. You get to shut down one ECM and nothing more. Get multiple ECM units in an area and you need to bug out or use something that doesn't require a tone.