Khobai, on 13 March 2014 - 09:24 AM, said:
Absolutely. which is why tag should be used for guiding indirect lrms, arrow IV, and artillery/airstrikes. But tag should not counter ECM. Thats just silly and has no basis in tabletop or real life.
No question about it. But...and remember, this is TT talking here...any mech on your team with "Semi-Guided" LRMs (read as TAG guided) should be able to take advantage of your TAG. Which, I guess, kind of works out as negating ECM while TAGged. Except maybe it shouldn't give any information about the target, as far as the paperdoll and loadout are concerned. Maybe.
Look, I just wish they'd turn the Guardian ECM back into the Guardian ECM. It's not like the rules aren't widely shouldn't be doing what it isn't supposed to do.
You can't snipe a target at 1200m with an AC20 or a Medium Laser're not supposed to be able to. It's not as if they don't understand the concept that BT was getting at. I'm thinking that it's probably a matter of not knowing how to turn ECM down a notch.