tucsonspeed6, on 15 March 2014 - 06:01 PM, said:
It was stated on NGNG that the achievements would be associated with rewards like mechs and cbill bonuses, and that stats had to be reset so everyone could participate. I only quoted your first question, because I physically cannot roll my eyes enough at the melodramatic incredulity that followed that first question mark.
Oh God... My eyes feel like they're gonna roll out of my head at this point.
M'aiq the liar plays MWO?
This is what I posted$
"Resets, sales, tournaments, blah blah blah.
Stats on racks, stats with hats, rats with stats?
Spiraling into the abyss of mediocrity, I say, "Nay Nay."
¥et, my hopes have not utterly left me eh?
I am average, older, and, I like ice cream. I want conent or ?
Whatever, I am just more-blah blah blah....You call me a liar?
Do I play?"
I play. Maybe not as much or as good as you, but I play, and have read many of the books this game is based on.
I am tired of the chitter chatter of little girls, telling all, what is the matter.
Was it the content, which I desire, that makes you puke?
Or is it that I am bored with the slowness of which our lover PGI meets our needs. The hope to hold a planet to, the ground our mechs are dropped on, the ground as a mercenary, I am paid to protect.
Stats on racks=boring like kmart clothing
Stats with hats=boring, dressed up a bit
Rats with stats=geeks that think stats are more important than the game.
I like ice cream.hence, I will never change a light bulb.
Shoot me cause I was being light hearted. Just remind me where I know you from, I have attention deficit disorder, hence the I like ice cream ;^)