To all those poor ******** who ran across me today across more than just a couple games:
I am sorry.
I am sorry you were on the wrong end of my crosshair. Sincerely I am. I know, I know. You had to take that hill against the lone Dire Wolf, but coming one at a time is kinda stupid. I am sorry you realized your mistake after half your mechs were blown out and your CTs were open and flapping in the breeze. I am also sorry to my trothkin who did not have much of an opportunity to shoot at the threats I fired upon.
But, hey. If you are tired of being shishkebabed by me, maybe you should stop fighting it and join us. Shhh. Shhh. It is ok. Just relax and accept the inevitability: You are better served being on my team than on the enemy team.
Come to the Nova Cats. We have catnip and lasagna.
Edited by Pariah Devalis, 05 July 2014 - 09:26 AM.