Shermburger, on 18 March 2014 - 06:48 AM, said:
I believe it was quite clear. Your favorites are assaults, and therefor you don't like that the game will no longer be completely dominated by a deluge of assaults rolling off the matchmaker.
3-3-3-3 isn't perfect. But it does promise more balanced game play than what we have now. There are certainly things I'd rather see done, but I have a feeling that assault jockies wouldn't like anything that marginalizes their complete and total dominance of the game, as it has been since the dark ages of NetMech.
I think this will actually have the effect of making teams that run 3 Assault + 1 Heavy stronger. Why? Assault mechs represent a disproportionate amount of their team's firepower. Handing control over that to a single coordinated group will allow that group to direct their team's power more efficiently.
I know I'm not explaining it well, so think of it like this:
Currently if you drop into a match you can have anywhere from 0 - 12 Assault mechs. If a premade group of 4 brings 4 assault mechs, and they land in a match where both teams have 8 assaults, the premade has smaller chances of winning than if they had landed in a match where they were the only 4 Assaults on their team, and the other team only had 4 assaults. Why? 4 coordinated mechs will roll 4 uncoordinated ones. 4 coordinated + 4 uncoordinated vs 8 uncoordinated... now the answer is less clear, because the coordinated unit represents less of the firepower.
EDIT: In short, I think 3/3/3/3 MM will make Assault mechs
more dominant.
Edited by Artgathan, 18 March 2014 - 07:05 AM.