Cathy, on 01 August 2016 - 01:26 PM, said:
I must repeat this each day.
I will not go into the circle in dominion mode, to be the target so the chicken snipers can hide at the back and try to look like they are good.
I think this applies to me in every match. i'm 95% of the time in a brawler build in a situation where brawling is not preferred style of play. so either I
1) sit around for 10 minutes until we're surrounded and die,
2) move around watching flanks rear for lights and get chewed up because turning around to shoot them is beyond some players' abilities,
3)get bored and try to flank, sneak behind them myself- where I am promptly shot at by an enemy who is looking in the exact spot my 3 minute trip around the map has me positioned and get light swarmed. I then spectate someone who is on a hill the enemy is all facing who gets off 6 alphas before anyone bothers to look up
4) try to snipe, move, snipe again only to be shot before I can fire my first shot- light swarmed. enemy light starts sniping- ignored 90% of the match.
5) stand in the circle- no one else is within 500m of it cause-hey i'm there, no need for them to move. when this doesn't change after I die however...
6) see an LRM boat- charge LRM boat- get FFed down by enemy team. i'm in a LRM boat- light finds me- I get lrmed/lighted to death. team shows up once i'm dead.
7) peek and poke leading to a loss- new tactic needed- I run past team to push- team doesn't move an inch to support. til I run past and get half of them to turn around, die, and they turn back to face our team again
8) in fact- "team shows up after i'm dead" is pretty much the response to all my paying attention to flank/rear/support push/objectives efforts. I try to play their way and GOTO 1
and sadly I've found I just can't play the same mech/chassis for more than a half dozen games or so before I go nuts or start doing dumb things. tried urbieing for this light event- had a few decent games, lots of getting stomped though- didn't want to stop on a bad note so kept going but annoyed that I didn't have a good match so got more impatient so I had a bad match- wash, rinse repeat- usually I swap once I get my daily win. seems for me less lights= better urbieing. I did almost end up in the assault lance one match though which was kinda funny.
I suppose I should just go play something to get those last KMDDs out of the way to finish off the person challenge part of things.