The Daily Whine
Posted 26 January 2015 - 02:08 AM
Why are flanking lights so bad these days?
A flanking maneuver is about placing a surprising amount of firepower on the side of your opponent's force to overwhelm them with surprise. If you're flanking with 2 assaults, wait for the bloody assault to get there. Instead of running in like a dipshit, firing your 2 MLs, and revealing our entire approach. That's the kind of stupid mistake that loses matches. Right then and there. If they had waited for our 2 crabs to get into position, we would have killed at least 5-6 enemy mechs before they would have even noticed.
Instead, we get Spider pilot McNumbnuts rushing in. Firing his 2 MLs (not even MPLs on a SDR-5V), garnering the attention of half the enemy team, and running them straight back towards us. 6 of their mechs follow, roll me and the other crab, and then hit OUR team from the side with a flank, and we get enveloped, and lose. That one dumb move cost us a clean sweep.
Posted 26 January 2015 - 06:10 AM
I am shooting / alpha'ing mad in it and it just won't die, i only see a few percent going off it. I hit the destinated locations like crazy.
It's abnormal and i am really scratching on my head sometimes why it still survives a full SRM with 3 lasers attack.
Edited by Sarlic, 26 January 2015 - 07:45 AM.
Posted 26 January 2015 - 08:29 AM
IraqiWalker, on 25 January 2015 - 11:36 PM, said:
Ah, okay. In that case, no. Experimentation is done outside of competitive drops. Comp drops are where you bring your A game, and the best tested methods possible. Scrimms, and pub queue are where you can go crazy, and bring whatever you want.
You'll never see a competitive team experiment during a league game, the experimentation was already done months ago.
and thats where my challenging persona comes into play

IraqiWalker, on 26 January 2015 - 02:08 AM, said:
Why are flanking lights so bad these days?
A flanking maneuver is about placing a surprising amount of firepower on the side of your opponent's force to overwhelm them with surprise. If you're flanking with 2 assaults, wait for the bloody assault to get there. Instead of running in like a dipshit, firing your 2 MLs, and revealing our entire approach. That's the kind of stupid mistake that loses matches. Right then and there. If they had waited for our 2 crabs to get into position, we would have killed at least 5-6 enemy mechs before they would have even noticed.
Instead, we get Spider pilot McNumbnuts rushing in. Firing his 2 MLs (not even MPLs on a SDR-5V), garnering the attention of half the enemy team, and running them straight back towards us. 6 of their mechs follow, roll me and the other crab, and then hit OUR team from the side with a flank, and we get enveloped, and lose. That one dumb move cost us a clean sweep.
OR.... frozen city conquest.... our assault lance moves united through cave.... seriously. nothing could have saved that game from losing. me and a firestarter tried to get the cap points faster than the enemy but damn... once it was down to us 2 vs 8 of them it was lost with 100 points to go =/
Posted 26 January 2015 - 10:46 AM
IraqiWalker, on 26 January 2015 - 01:46 AM, said:
Challenge still has a few hours left.
You know how Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires? Well, Frozen City is the graveyard of all my winning streaks. Whenever I am on a streak, and feeling on top of the world. Frozen City shows up, and my streak stops dead right there. I don't know why. Maybe it's because my machine has ****** performance over all, and Frozen city makes it worse. Or maybe it's psychological.
You know what's the most logical one? Frozen City hates me.
Take off the hardware acceleration in your Flash Player,it helped my performance,specially on thermals in Frozen City
Oh and Frozen City is by far the most dysfunctional map ever
Posted 26 January 2015 - 10:48 AM
Cookiemonter669, on 26 January 2015 - 10:46 AM, said:
Take off the hardware acceleration in your Flash Player,it helped my performance,specially on thermals in Frozen City
Oh and Frozen City is by far the most dysfunctional map ever
How does one do that?
I'm getting killed by both Thermals, Night Vision and smoke at times. Driving me nuts.
Posted 26 January 2015 - 01:28 PM
we all know theta is the worse first cap so what does me and all the assaults do. we head for theta of course. someone on chat types "oh no why are all the fatties headed to theta?" answer from one of the other assaults "because we can"
it was glorious. 2 AS7s a ddc with ecm of course and me in a boars head, a drw and an lrm stk. along for the ride was a triple ams ecm kitfox. the reds never knew what happened as they came on theta in 1s and 2s only to get focused fired to death. we got 8 of them in less then 5 minutes. rest of the team capped and cleaned up the mechs too smart to head to theta.
so why is it i very rarely get to hook up with other assaults that are willing to do the unconventional and use their armor and firepower to slam the reds???
Posted 26 January 2015 - 01:37 PM
Now why do 99% of players not get this? Movement and aggression and nerve=more wins.
Posted 26 January 2015 - 01:38 PM
kamiko kross, on 26 January 2015 - 01:37 PM, said:
Now why do 99% of players not get this? Movement and aggression and nerve=more wins.
because... balls. they dont have it.
this game is all about movement. nothing else.
Posted 26 January 2015 - 02:26 PM
Predictably solos got involved. I don't get how it is that people complain about facing groups when it's supposed to be a team event...
People don't want to group up and be part of a community,ok.
People don't want to use things like TS and talk to people, ok.
People don't want to face any kind of organised opposition, ok.
People want to take part in community warfare,on their own.
People want to talk to other people using voip, on their own.
People want voip so they can be more organised, ergo facing more organised opposition...
What exactly does the playerbase want? My want list is really, really short. It consists of one thing. I want to play mwo with my friends and have fun. So far there seems to be a contingent of people that don't want that for themselves or for me.
So I ask again, what exactly is it that they want?
Posted 26 January 2015 - 02:59 PM
That said it is unlikely I will ever use it since I am in the same boat as Rip, small house, odd hours, sleeping kids/wife. (Rip, you guys need a 4th casual pug?) this is also the reason I am not in a group even though it sounds fun. But I am probably not representative of the populace at large. I do hope VoIP is done well because I don't want to have to listen to the audible version of what I have become pretty adept at not seeing on the in game chat now

Posted 26 January 2015 - 03:37 PM
kamiko kross, on 26 January 2015 - 02:26 PM, said:
Predictably solos got involved. I don't get how it is that people complain about facing groups when it's supposed to be a team event...
People don't want to group up and be part of a community,ok.
People don't want to use things like TS and talk to people, ok.
People don't want to face any kind of organised opposition, ok.
People want to take part in community warfare,on their own.
People want to talk to other people using voip, on their own.
People want voip so they can be more organised, ergo facing more organised opposition...
What exactly does the playerbase want? My want list is really, really short. It consists of one thing. I want to play mwo with my friends and have fun. So far there seems to be a contingent of people that don't want that for themselves or for me.
So I ask again, what exactly is it that they want?
The long and short of it? They want to eat the cake, and have it too.
They want to not lose. Ever. Despite doing idiotic things. They want the game to change for them, rather than them adapting to it, or god-forbid, learn something new.
EDIT: bear in mind, this is a small contingent of the player base, but their whining does have an impact.
Edited by IraqiWalker, 26 January 2015 - 03:37 PM.
Posted 26 January 2015 - 03:38 PM
3xnihilo, on 26 January 2015 - 02:59 PM, said:
Trouble is will it have a channel for us to speak into outside of a match?
We use TS to actually chat to each other-NOT just for game purposes. this is where the community aspect comes in..the bit some peeps don't want:) I've met loads of peeps via Ts and made some good friends because of it-if they can replicate that 100% in client great, but I get a feeling it will only be for in match use.
We'll see:)
Posted 26 January 2015 - 03:39 PM
kamiko kross, on 26 January 2015 - 02:26 PM, said:
Predictably solos got involved. I don't get how it is that people complain about facing groups when it's supposed to be a team event...
People don't want to group up and be part of a community,ok.
People don't want to use things like TS and talk to people, ok.
People don't want to face any kind of organised opposition, ok.
People want to take part in community warfare,on their own.
People want to talk to other people using voip, on their own.
People want voip so they can be more organised, ergo facing more organised opposition...
What exactly does the playerbase want? My want list is really, really short. It consists of one thing. I want to play mwo with my friends and have fun. So far there seems to be a contingent of people that don't want that for themselves or for me.
So I ask again, what exactly is it that they want?
The awful, painful truth is they don't know what they want. Well... that's not true. They want their cake and to eat it too.
Posted 26 January 2015 - 03:47 PM
kamiko kross, on 26 January 2015 - 03:38 PM, said:
We use TS to actually chat to each other-NOT just for game purposes. this is where the community aspect comes in..the bit some peeps don't want:) I've met loads of peeps via Ts and made some good friends because of it-if they can replicate that 100% in client great, but I get a feeling it will only be for in match use.
We'll see:)
Yeah, I guess I kind of assumed it would work out of matches as well. But, I guess we will find out. Also, if there is in game VoIP I would hope that 2-4 man groups would be allowed back in the solo que since they would no longer have the comma advantage. I know there are a lot of times I have not invited someone to drop with me because 2 mans get rolled in the group que.
Posted 26 January 2015 - 03:50 PM
as for the the assaulting assault every once in awhile i get with a group of assaults that understand armor is meant to be used, as is ammo. i guess that is why i got into locusts, because in a lct you do what you do. an assault needs backup to win. an lct, well it just needs crazy...
but did you ever hear about the time i was in a 4 DRW lance in forest colony playing assault and we pushed trough the water and took the red's base... it was GLORIOUS i really wish i had vid, well we did not take the base but by god we stood in it while the rest of the team cowered by the tunnel.
i guess that is what keeps me coming back, that one great match out of how many blah matches
Posted 26 January 2015 - 04:56 PM
just ended up on youtube doing scientific research and this came out of no were
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