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#10761 mad kat


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Posted 22 September 2017 - 05:16 AM

Well the matchmaker change has made sod all difference surprise surprise.

Still get lumped with people who want to park right behind you.

Still get lumped with people who run off all over the place and try to rambo

Still get lumped with people who abandon their assaults

Every game is the same damn map crimson straight or grim plexus by cry baby clan energy or missile boats

Edited by mad kat, 22 September 2017 - 05:25 AM.

#10762 el piromaniaco


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Posted 22 September 2017 - 05:37 AM

View Postmad kat, on 22 September 2017 - 05:16 AM, said:

Well the matchmaker change has made sod all difference surprise surprise.

Still get lumped with people who want to park right behind you.

Still get lumped with people who run off all over the place and try to rambo

Still get lumped with people who abandon their assaults

Every game is the same damn map crimson straight or grim plexus by cry baby clan energy or missile boats

So you Solo Quick Play PUG?

#10763 C E Dwyer


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Posted 23 September 2017 - 10:05 AM

Pilots barging past an assault push. Then trying to back peddle because they didn't want to be the point.

Then they claim the team are the F'in potatoes, for blocking.

Got to love the self entitled L33ts, trying to lay their stupidity at the feet of the team.

#10764 jper4


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Posted 26 September 2017 - 06:09 AM

View PostCathy, on 23 September 2017 - 10:05 AM, said:

Pilots barging past an assault push. Then trying to back peddle because they didn't want to be the point.

Then they claim the team are the F'in potatoes, for blocking.

Got to love the self entitled L33ts, trying to lay their stupidity at the feet of the team.

I did an experiment in one match to test the aggression of the team at the start of the match. I was in an urbie, moving at 44.1kph (kept slowing down as I began to pull ahead). I was the lead mech for two grids.... I mean granted they were probably just figuring I could solo the other team myself being in an urbie and all and didn't want to get in my line of fire but still...

#10765 Fox With A Shotgun


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Posted 27 September 2017 - 06:10 AM


Had a really hilarious match where I was the last one left, in a LRM-Narc KFX, and the last enemy was in a dual gauss KDK-3.

We were positioned around a hill that was too steep for the KDK to climb - but not too steep for my KFX to climb. Plopped a NARC on the poor guy and kept raining on his head for the next minute or so.

The salt was real on the other side, lmao.

#10766 Trenchbird


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Posted 27 September 2017 - 04:16 PM

To be fair, I would've probably just shut down and cried while exiting the match if I was in that Kodiak.

#10767 Athom83


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Posted 27 September 2017 - 07:10 PM

View PostFox With A Shotgun, on 22 September 2017 - 05:07 AM, said:

A lot of Charlie lance pilots only pilot fatmechs because they feel safer behind bazillions of points of armor. This also makes a large number of them very cowardly, as losing the smallest amount of armor is considered bad. It isn't bad to trade 60 points of damage taken for upwards of 400 by sustained dakka, but most of them don't consider this...

And seeing as MWO's match scoring heavily rewards damage done, it naturally causes bigger mechs to gravitate upwards faster than lighter mechs, purely on a damage potential basis. This is why most of the time, you're more likely to find incompetent pilots in bigger mechs than you do in lighter ones. It's both more forgiving and more likely to give you better rewards.

Yah, just had a Direwolf on my team, when I was in my Atlas, who sat in the very back outside his own effective range and never closed distance. I was in the front taking damage for my team, and dealing it back, leading the push into the enemy. I eventually went down, taking 2 enemy assaults with me, and because my team no longer has any pushers the fight gets disorganized and becomes a number of smaller skirmishes instead of a murderball of pain. So I flipped through spectator to our Direwolf and found him still sitting in the same spot as before we organized for our push. I ask what he was doing back there while telling him we could've used him at the front so we wouldn't be losing as we were (score at this point was 7-9) (I may have used other, more colorful words). He responds with "I was pinned here all match so I couldn't move up". I then see him take a hit. He was being shot at by an ERPPC from a light mech from over 1km away... He was pinned down and couldn't move because of a single light mech firing from beyond his optimal range... And I know it was only that mech that could have possibly been shooting at him because everything else was already spotted on the other side of the Citadel (this was on River City Btw, to lazy to go back and edit it to the top) and he was being shot from the starport all the way to his position behind the tanks near the tanker. He only had a single component orange armor, everything else was either fresh or yellow armor. Can I please take peoples' assault license away?

#10768 Fox With A Shotgun


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Posted 27 September 2017 - 10:23 PM

I'm very confused with what fatmech pilots actually expect lights to do.

Scouting implies running ahead of the team. "Don't nascar!"
Escorting implies staying with the slowest of the team. "We need locks!"
Backstabbing implies lots and lots of cold, short-range weapons with high DPS. Applied to the rear of an unwary fatmech, this is a quick death. "Lights shouldn't be able to kill assaults in 4 seconds!"
Spotting and skirmishing? Nope, not enough damage being done to the enemy. "Do something more useful!"

#10769 jper4


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Posted 28 September 2017 - 05:22 AM

View PostFox With A Shotgun, on 27 September 2017 - 10:23 PM, said:

I'm very confused with what fatmech pilots actually expect lights to do.

Scouting implies running ahead of the team. "Don't nascar!"
Escorting implies staying with the slowest of the team. "We need locks!"
Backstabbing implies lots and lots of cold, short-range weapons with high DPS. Applied to the rear of an unwary fatmech, this is a quick death. "Lights shouldn't be able to kill assaults in 4 seconds!"
Spotting and skirmishing? Nope, not enough damage being done to the enemy. "Do something more useful!"

I think their desire is to have lights carry nothing but narcs and tag (and a ER SL for late match) to support their LRMIng effort. as many airstrikes as they can fit to push the enemy out of cover and back into LRM targeting range. stand behind the enemy team targeting them at all times while remaining behind them all at the same time-even if they have split up. shoot down enemy UAVs (remember that ER SL you need!) so enemy LRMs won't scratch their paint. chase down any enemy mech with PPCs so they don't interfere with proper LRMing and sniper builds from your team. then if all else fails go cap the enemy base on your own cause you're fast and can get their quick- and have the rear armor of any enemies that RTB facing the LRMs and sniper builds of your team.

if they need to move 50m from their selected spot they are rooted to for the duration of match then you're doing it wrong.

(apologies to the fatties who actually work on their cardio and try to get into the fight by use of the 'W' button and carrying different weapon loadouts- I mean the other ones- you know of whom I speak)

#10770 mad kat


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Posted 28 September 2017 - 01:09 PM

It's the players that are dooming this game. Why is it always the same story people run off in different directions. A red Dorito appears the whole damns team then frantically mash the 'S' key as hard as possible and try and back away as fast as possible and refuse to tank or share armour.

When will pugs understand that being aggressive, not timid, passive and cowardly wins.

Every match tonight has been ring a ring a roses or Run away!
Also why can't anyone shot down uav's??!?

Edited by mad kat, 29 September 2017 - 11:59 PM.

#10771 Fox With A Shotgun


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Posted 28 September 2017 - 04:22 PM

Had a funny match today.

LRM60 MDD was calling and heckling my LRM30+NARC Kit Fox for being 'useless'. A LRM boat, calling a NARC light...useless? I was left scratching my head after the comment.

Then at the end of match screen, I fell off my chair laughing. Said LRM MDD scored only ~400 damage using his massed LRM tubes and huge amounts of ammo. My piddly little LRM30 and 5 tons of ammo scored 720 damage.

Size isn't everything for LRMing. Positioning is better. Every. Single. Time.

#10772 UnofficialOperator


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 08:41 PM

Getting **** on by a rank 16000 player with neg wlr/kdr + 300 damage in an assault. Might as well drive a light. And what unit is that? You might want to re evaluate your **** member

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Edited by UnofficialOperator, 04 October 2017 - 05:00 PM.

#10773 Trenchbird


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Posted 30 September 2017 - 09:00 AM

That would still be considered name and shaming, IIRC. Not that I care much.

#10774 Fox With A Shotgun


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Posted 02 October 2017 - 04:44 AM

Offtopic whine:

I know that games have to make concessions for fiction to arise...but this is just going too far o.O

Posted Image

Who needs solar radiation to keep a planet's ecosystems stable, anyway? Stellaris certainly doesn't! A habitable planet orbiting a black hole? Totally legit!


Edited by Fox With A Shotgun, 02 October 2017 - 04:45 AM.

#10775 Trenchbird


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Posted 02 October 2017 - 05:13 AM

Damn, RNG really screwed up there.

#10776 jper4


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Posted 04 October 2017 - 05:53 AM

View PostFox With A Shotgun, on 02 October 2017 - 04:44 AM, said:

Offtopic whine:

I know that games have to make concessions for fiction to arise...but this is just going too far o.O

Posted Image

Who needs solar radiation to keep a planet's ecosystems stable, anyway? Stellaris certainly doesn't! A habitable planet orbiting a black hole? Totally legit!


yeah I like the ones where they have a tundra world closer to the star than the continental one myself.

#10777 UnofficialOperator


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Posted 04 October 2017 - 04:55 PM

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#10778 Trenchbird


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Posted 04 October 2017 - 04:58 PM

Should've circled the DWF-UV, not the Thud.

99 damage... In a Dire? Jesus, those are SCRUB numbers, you gotta PUMP THOSE UP.

#10779 Fox With A Shotgun


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Posted 04 October 2017 - 06:09 PM

View PostTanar, on 04 October 2017 - 05:53 AM, said:

yeah I like the ones where they have a tundra world closer to the star than the continental one myself.

But those can actually happen. I mean, if you had a world with a really thin atmosphere with hardly any greenhouse gases, you can theoretically have a tundra world closer to the star than a continental one.

A black hole, though? That thing doesn't even emit thermal radiation XD It sucks it in!

#10780 loopala


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Posted 04 October 2017 - 09:14 PM

i really need to upgrade the old toaster...

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